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Displaying 24 results.
    • Speech
    Relations entre pairs et engagement scolaire
    Galand, Benoît[UCL] Bebiroglu Abiven, Neda[UCL] Hospel, Virginie[UCL] Tolmatcheff, Chloé[UCL] (2016) 9ème colloque du réseau interuniversitaire de recherche en psychologie du développement (RIPSYDEVE) — Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Speech
    Harcèlement entre élèves : le côté obscur de la force ?
    Galand, Benoît[UCL] (2016) 43èmes journées scientifiques de l’Association pour l’Etude, la Modification et la Thérapie du Comportement (AEMTC) — Liège
    • Speech
    Emotional engagement in the classroom: socio-affective dynamics
    De Smet, Audrey[UCL] Mettewie, Laurence Galand, Benoît[UCL] (2016) Focus on the learner: Contributions of individual differences to second language learning and teaching — Konin, Poland
    • Journal article
    Multidimensionality of behavioural engagement: Empirical support and implications
    Hospel, Virginie[UCL] Galand, Benoît[UCL] Janosz, Michel (2016) International Journal of Educational Research — Vol. 77, no.1, p. 37-49 (2016)
    • Speech
    Which motivational factors and organizational capacity affect the implementation process of a new educational program at secondary school?
    Dellisse, Sébastien[UCL] Galand, Benoît[UCL] Dumay, Xavier[UCL] Dupriez, Vincent[UCL] (2016) ICM - 15th International Conference on Motivation 2016 The odyssey to the Ithaca of learning: Motivated persons, challenging contexts — Thessaloniki
    • Journal article
    Filles et garçons face au harcèlement à l'école : deux réalités différentes ?
    Galand, Benoît[UCL] Tolmatcheff, Chloé[UCL] (2016) International Journal on School Climate and Violence Prevention — Vol. 1, p. 34-64 (juillet 2016)
    • Journal article
    Are both classroom autonomy support and structure equally important for students' engagement? A multilevel analysis
    Hospel, Virginie[UCL] Galand, Benoît[UCL] (2016) Learning and Instruction — Vol. 41, no.1, p. 1-10 (February)
    • Speech
    Implementing large scale instructional change in secondary schools? An experimental study.
    Dellisse, Sébastien[UCL] Dumay, Xavier[UCL] Galand, Benoît[UCL] Dupriez, Vincent[UCL] (2016) ECER 2016 – The European Conference on Educational Research Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers — Dublin
    • Journal article
    Misfits between doctoral students and their supervisors: (How) are they regulated?
    Devos, Christelle[UCL] Boudrenghien, Gentiane[UCL] Van der Linden, Nicolas Frenay, Mariane[UCL] Galand, Benoît[UCL] (2016) International Journal of Doctoral Studies — Vol. 11, p. 467-486 (2016)
    • Speech
    Cyberbullying and traditional bullying: Prevalence and correlates among early adolescents in Belgium.
    Bebiroglu Abiven, Neda[UCL] Olivier, Elizabeth Tolmatcheff, Chloé[UCL] Galand, Benoît[UCL] (2016) XV biennial conference - European Association for Research on Adolescence — La Barrosa, Spain