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Displaying 86121 - 215325 of 217952 results.


    • Speech
    Belgium: From Federalism to Confederalism or to a Big Bang in 2014
    De Winter, Lieven[UCL] (2012) Observatorio New Tendencies of Federalism in Europe — Zaragoza
    • Speech
    Augmenting Accessibility Guidelines with User Ability Rationales
    Ponsard, Christophe Beaujeant, Pascal[UCL] Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] (2013) 14th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2013 — Cape Town
    • Speech
    Multidimensional Context-Aware Adaptation of Service Front-Ends
    Caminero Gil, Javier[UCL] Rodríguez-Gancedo, Mari Carmen[UCL] Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] Paterno, Fabio[UCL] Rett, Joerg[UCL] Raggett, Dave[UCL] Comeliau, Jean-Loup[UCL] Marín, Ignacio[UCL] (2012) Workshop on Context-Aware Adaptation of Service Front-Ends CASFE'2012 — Pisa
    • Speech
    Introduction à l'atelier : Quelles machines pour enseigner la langue ?
    Antoniadis, Georges Fairon, Cédrick[UCL] Medori, Julia[UCL] Zampa, Virginie Granger, Sylviane[UCL] (2006) Verbum ex machina. Actes de la 13e conférence sur le Traitement automatique des langues naturelles — Leuven, Belgique
    • BookChapter
    Livre I. Articulation des principes nationaux, internationaux et européens
    Navez, Edouard-Jean[UCL] (2011) La fiscalité des successions et des donations internationales. Théorie générale et applications en droit comparé — [ISBN : 978-2-8027-3405-5]
    • Speech
    Approximation using Radial Basis Function Networks - Application to Pricing Derivative Securities
    Lendasse, Amaury[UCL] Lee, John Aldo[UCL] de Bodt, Eric[UCL] Wertz, Vincent[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2001) Connectionist Approaches in Economics and Management Sciences (ACSEG 2001) — Rennes (France)
    • Speech
    Transition from Coulomb Diamonds to Checkerboard-like Spectroscopies in a Mesoscopic Quantum Hall Interferometer.
    Melinte, Sorin[UCL] (2013) American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting — Baltimore (USA)
    • Speech
    An algorithm for pattern recognition with VLSI neural networks
    Sirletti, B.[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Jespers, Paul[UCL] (1988) 1988 International Neural Network Society Annual Meeting — Boston (USA)
    • BookChapter
    Etat actuel de la procédure pénale d’expertise
    Giacometti, Mona[UCL] Monville, Pierr (2017) Théorie et pratique de l’expertise civile et pénale — [ISBN : 978-2-8072-0235-1]
    • Speech
    A Late Minoan III Communal Building at Sissi (Crete)
    Gaignerot, Florence[UCL] Letesson, Quentin[UCL] (2014) Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America — Chicago
    • Speech
    Simplifying the development of cross-platform web user interfaces by collaborative model-based design
    Genaro Motti, Vivian[UCL] Raggett, Dave[UCL] Van Cauwelaert, Sascha[UCL] Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] (2013) 31st ACM international conference on Design of communication — Greenville
    • BookChapter
    A Profound Spiritual Experience of Listening. The Continental Synodal Assembly of Europe
    Join-Lambert, Arnaud[UCL] (2023) The People of God have Spoken. Continental Ecclesial Assemblies within the Synod on Synodality — [ISBN : 9781782184010]
    • BookChapter
    Needham, John Turberville (1713-1781)
    Arblaster, Paul[UCL] (2004) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 40 — [ISBN : 9780198614128]
    • Speech
    Hierarchical Nanofabrication of Silicon and Polyaniline Optically-Active Lattices.
    Melinte, Sorin[UCL] (2013) 2013 International Conference on CMOS Emerging Technologies (CMOSET) — Whistler (Canada)
