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Displaying 1 - 25 of 643 results.


    • Journal article
    Water availability in Belgium, a topic of concern?
    Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] (2021) Shayp publications — (2021)
    • Speech
    Outils pour caractériser l'hydrodynamique des cultures fixées en assainissement
    Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] Forquet, Nicolas Morvannou, Ania[UCL] Molle, Pascal (2011) Colloque "Cemagref - Grand Lyon": Epuration des eaux: recherche et ingénierie au service des collectivités — Villeurbanne, France
    • Speech
    Time dynamic pollution risk modelling of groundwater at the pan-African scale
    Ouedraogo, Issoufou[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] Girard, Arthur[UCL] Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] Jonard, François[UCL] (2017) Louvain4Water General Assembly (5th edition) — Louvain-en-Woluwe, Bruxelles, Belgique
    • Speech
    Effective approaches for modelling ground water load of surface applied chemicals
    Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] (2005) NATO workshop "Chemicals as intentional and accidental global environmental threats" — Borovetz (Bulgaria)
    • Speech
    Metapearl: a metamodel for EuroPEARL
    Tiktak, A. Boesten, J.J.T.I. van der Linden, T. Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] (2007) ACS National Meeting — Chicago, Illinois, USA
    • Speech
    Scale effects in statistical based groundwater vulnerability models? A case study on continental scale of Africa
    Ouedraogo, Issoufou[UCL] Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] (2018) International Conference New approaches to groundwater vulnerability — Ustron, Poland
    • Journal article
    Response of Seasonal Vegetation Dynamics to Climatic Constraints in Northeastern Burundi
    Batungwanayo, Pacifique[UCL] Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] Koropitan, Alan F. (2020) Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection — Vol. 08, no.09, p. 151-181 (2020)
    • Speech
    Solute transfert in unsaturated layered media: case of the observation well of Louvain-la-Neuve
    Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] (2003) Cost action 629: water pollution in natural porous media at different scales: fate, impact and indicators — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    Le rôle de l'ingénieur de l'environnement dans les programmes de développement durable
    Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] (2010) Séminaire — Ecole Sup. des sciences appliquées d'Al Hoceima, Maroc
