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Displaying 1 - 25 of 237 results.


    • Journal article
    Engineering students' self-regulation, study strategies, and motivational believes in traditional and problem-based curricula
    Galand, Benoît[UCL] Raucent, Benoît[UCL] Frenay, Mariane[UCL] (2010) International Journal of Engineering Education — Vol. 26, no. 3, p. 523-534 (2010)
    • BookChapter
    Comment aider au mieux les étudiants dyslexiques à l'université ?
    Collette, Emilie[UCL] Frenay, Mariane[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] (2020) La dyslexie à l'âge adulte : approche neuropsychologique — [ISBN : 9782353274352]
    • Journal article
    Links between Perceptions and Practices in Patient Education: a Systematic Review
    Roussel, Sandrine[UCL] Frenay, Mariane[UCL] (2019) Health Education & Behavior — Vol. 46, no. 6, p. 1001-1011 (2019)
    • Journal article
    Oscillation between identities and Subjective psychological health objectives among an informed audience in therapeutic patient education
    Roussel, Sandrine[UCL] Deccache, Alain[UCL] Frenay, Mariane[UCL] (2018) Education Therapeutique du Patient - Therapeutic Patient Education — Vol. 10, no.1, p. 10202 (2018)
    • Speech
    The critical requirements of the first year experience: “dodging the potholes on the academic road”
    De Clercq, Mikaël[UCL] Van Meenen, Florence[UCL] Frenay, Mariane[UCL] (2018) Student Transition Achievement Retention and Success Conference (STARS) — Auckland
    • Journal article
    Intra-individual differences in offenders’ motivation and behavioral change after a driver rehabilitation program
    Jacot, Anne[UCL] Raemdonck, Isabel[UCL] Frenay, Mariane[UCL] (2018) Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour — Vol. 58, no., p. 302-318 (2018)
    • Journal article
    One goal, different pathways: Capturing diversity in processes leading to first-year students' achievement
    De Clercq, Mikaël[UCL] Galand, Benoît[UCL] Frenay, Mariane[UCL] (2020) Learning and Individual Differences : journal of psychology and education — Vol. 81, no.101908, p. 1-11 (2020)
    • Speech
    Towards a distributed model of school leadership in Ecuador: A cross-cultural validation study
    März, Virginie[UCL] Frenay, Mariane[UCL] Lauwers, Ingrid Patiño, Isabel Marín, Eduardo (2019) Conferencia Internacional de Investigación Educativa (ASEFIE) — Cuenca, Ecuador
    • Speech
    Leadership development through professional learning communities: A qualitative case study of school leaders in Ecuador
    MORENO, OSCAR[UCL] März, Virginie[UCL] Frenay, Mariane[UCL] (2019) Conferencia Internacional de Investigación Educativa (ASEFIE) — Cuenca, Ecuador
    • Journal article
    Les écueils de la transition universitaire : validation française du questionnaire des obstacles académiques (QoA)
    De Clercq, Mikaël[UCL] Van Meenen, Florence[UCL] Frenay, Mariane[UCL] (2020) Evaluer - Journal international de recherche en éducation et formation — Vol. 6, no.2, p. 73-106 (2020)
