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Displaying 1 - 25 of 162 results.


    • Journal article
    Profibrotic effect of IL-9 overexpression in a model of airway remodeling.
    Van Den Brûle, Sybille[UCL] Heymans, Julie[UCL] Havaux, Xavier[UCL] Renauld, Jean-Christophe[UCL] Lison, Dominique[UCL] Huaux, François[UCL] DENIS, Olivier[UCL] (2007) American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology — Vol. 37, no. 2, p. 202-209 (2007)
    • Journal article
    Respiratory and skin hypersensitivity reactions caused by a peptide coupling reagent
    Vandenplas, Olivier[UCL] Hereng, M-P Heymans, Julie[UCL] Huaux, François[UCL] Lilet-Leclercq, C. Dezfoulian, B. Grand, J-L Thimpont, J. (2008) Occupational and Environmental Medicine : an international peer-reviewed journal in all aspects of occupational & environmental medicine — Vol. 65, no. 10, p. 715-716 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Role of interleukin-10 in the lung response to silica in mice.
    Huaux, François[UCL] Louahed, Jamila[UCL] Hudspith, B Meredith, C Delos, Monique[UCL] Renauld, Jean-Christophe[UCL] Lison, Dominique[UCL] (1998) American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology — Vol. 18, no. 1, p. 51-9 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Carbon nanotubes under scrutiny: Their toxicity and utility in mesothelioma research
    Orsi, Micaela[UCL] Al Hatem, Chafik[UCL] Leinardi, Riccardo[UCL] Huaux, François[UCL] (2020) Applied Sciences — Vol. 10, no.13, p. 4513 (2020)
    • Speech
    How inhaled pollutants are recognized by the innate immune system and induce acute and chronic lung diseases
    Huaux, François[UCL] (2019) International Summer School: Environmental stress and chronic disease. IMRB — Paris, France
    • Speech
    How innate immunity senses reactive particles : from receptors to cytosolic components
    Huaux, François[UCL] (2018) Silica Workshop: Silica: are we bridging the gaps between surface states and toxicity? — Torino, Italy
    • Speech
    Diversité des signaux de danger libérés après membranolyse des macrophages exposés aux particules toxiques
    Huaux, François[UCL] (2021) Société de Toxicologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire (STCM) — Virtual congress
