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Displaying 71 - 200 of 3467 results.


    • Journal article
    3-methylthiopropionaldehyde as precursor of dimethyl trisulfide in aged beers.
    Gijs, Laurence[UCL] Perpète, P Timmermans, Aurore[UCL] Collin, Sonia[UCL] (2000) Journal of agricultural and food chemistry — Vol. 48, no. 12, p. 6196-9 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Control of gene expression by growth hormone in liver: key role of a network of transcription factors
    Rastegar, Mojgan[UCL] Lemaigre, Frédéric[UCL] Rousseau, Guy[UCL] (2000) Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology — Vol. 164, no. 1-2, p. 1-4 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Early extrastriate activity without primary visual cortex in humans
    Rossion, Bruno[UCL] de Gelder, B[UCL] Pourtois, Gilles[UCL] Guerit, Jean-Michel[UCL] Weiskrantz, L (2000) Neuroscience Letters — Vol. 279, no. 1, p. 25-28 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Prospects for pharmacological intervention in Alzheimer disease.
    Emilien, Gérard Beyreuther, Konrad Masters, Colin L. Maloteaux, Jean-Marie[UCL] (2000) Archives of Neurology — Vol. 57, no. 4, p. 454-459 (2000)
    • Journal article
    High homogeneity of the Yersinia pestis fatty acid composition.
    Leclercq, A. Guiyoule, A El Lioui, Mohamed[UCL] Carniel, E Decallonne, Jacques[UCL] (2000) Journal of clinical microbiology — Vol. 38, no. 4, p. 1545-51 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Criteria for estimating acceptable exposure times in hot working environments: a review
    Malchaire, Jacques[UCL] Kampmann, B. Havenith, G. Mehnert, P. Gebhardt, H. J. (2000) International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health — Vol. 73, no. 4, p. 215-220 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Inhibin and activin production and subunit expression in human placental cells cultured in vitro.
    Debiève, Frédéric[UCL] Pampfer, S. Thomas, Karl[UCL] (2000) Molecular human reproduction — Vol. 6, no. 8, p. 743-9 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Adhesion and growth of CaCo2 cells on surface-modified PEEK substrata.
    Noiset, O. Schneider, Yves-Jacques[UCL] Marchand-Brynaert, Jacqueline[UCL] (2000) Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer edition — Vol. 11, no. 7, p. 767-86 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Angiomyolipoma of the liver: ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging.
    Ketelslegers, Etienne Van Beers, Bernard[UCL] Sempoux, Christine[UCL] (2000) European radiology — Vol. 10, no. 9, p. 1401-3 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Electrodiagnosis of demyelinating neuropathies.
    Van den Bergh, Peter[UCL] Jacquerye, P. Piéret, F (2000) Acta neurologica Belgica — Vol. 100, no. 3, p. 188-95 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Smoking during pregnancy: foetal growth retardation and other risks for the newborn.
    Bouckaert, André[UCL] (2000) Statistics in medicine — Vol. 19, no. 2, p. 239-54 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy: a heterogeneous syndrome unrelated to nesidioblastosis.
    Rahier, Jacques[UCL] Guiot, Yves[UCL] Sempoux, Christine[UCL] (2000) Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition — Vol. 82, no. 2, p. F108-12 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Interaction of Yersinia with host cells.
    Boland, Anne[UCL] Cornelis, Guy[UCL] (2000) Sub-cellular biochemistry — Vol. 33, p. 343-82 (2000)
