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Displaying 1 - 25 of 45 results.


    • Speech
    APP-dependent regulation of GDNF expression and its involvement in neuromuscular junction
    Stanga, Serena[UCL] Zanou, Bidossessi Nadège[UCL] Audouard, Emilie Timmermans, Laurence[UCL] El Haylani, Laetitia[UCL] Tasiaux, Bernadette[UCL] Clotman, Frédéric[UCL] Gailly, Philippe[UCL] Octave, Jean-Noël[UCL] Kienlen-Campard, Pascal[UCL] (2013) The 11th International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases, AD/PD™ — Florence, Italy 6-10 March, 2013
    • Speech
    Cortical cells reveal APP as a regulator of GABAergic neurotransmission
    Anna Doshina[UCL] Gourgue, Florian[UCL] Michiho Onizuka Remi Opsomer[UCL] Peng Wang[UCL] Kunie Ando Tasiaux, Bernadette[UCL] Dewachter, Ilse[UCL] Kienlen-Campard, Pascal[UCL] Jean-Pierre Brion Gailly, Philippe[UCL] Octave, Jean-Noël[UCL] Pierrot, Nathalie[UCL] (2017) 12th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience — University of Ghent, Gent, Belgium
    • Journal article
    Phosphorylation of APP695 at Thr668 decreases gamma-cleavage and extracellular Abeta.
    Feyt, Christine[UCL] Courtoy, Pierre J.[UCL] Pierrot, Nathalie[UCL] Tasiaux, Bernadette[UCL] Van Hees, Joanne[UCL] Kienlen-Campard, Pascal[UCL] Octave, Jean-Noël[UCL] (2007) Biochemical and biophysical research communications — Vol. 357, no. 4, p. 1004-10 (2007)
