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Displaying 1 - 25 of 307 results.


    • Speech
    Interactions between a biodegradable polymer, poly(hydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalerate), proteins and macrophages
    Rouxhet, Laurence Legras, Roger[UCL] Schneider, Yves-Jacques[UCL] (1998) IUPAC Symposium on Macromolecular Architecture for Degradable Polymers — ROYAL INST TECHNOL, STOCKHOLM (Sweden)
    • BookChapter
    In vitro cellular and molecular tools for studying the effects of food contaminants at the gastrointestinal level
    Sergent, Thérèse[UCL] Jassogne, Coralie[UCL] Larondelle, Yvan[UCL] Schneider, Yves-Jacques[UCL] (2007) , Towards a safer food supply in Europe - Platform for scientific concertation : food safety —
    • Speech
    Short-term Kinetics of Iron Uptake By Cultured Rat Fibroblasts
    Octave, Jean-Noël[UCL] Schneider, Yves-Jacques[UCL] Crichton, Robert[UCL] Trouet, André[UCL] (1981) Société Belge de Biochimie 115e réunion — Leuven
    • Speech
    Characterisation of energetic heavy ion track in PVDF: Production of PVDF track-etched membrane and application
    Daubresse, C Sergentengelen, T. Ferain, Etienne[UCL] Schneider, Yves-Jacques[UCL] Legras, Roger[UCL] (1995) 1st International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers (IRaP94) — QUADELOUPE(France)
