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Displaying 1 - 25 of 10930 results.


    • Speech
    Les manuels de "bonnes pratiques" de communication en entreprise, entre visée normative et autolégitimation
    Mariscal, Vincent[UCL] (2011) In-formation et communications organisationnelles : entre normes et formes — Université Rennes 2
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    Analyse du discours et demande sociale : entre recherche et commande d’entreprise
    Mariscal, Vincent[UCL] (2008) Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs ED 268 — Paris 3 Sorbonne ILPGA
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    Normalisation langagière et "assujettissement joyeux" au travail
    Mariscal, Vincent[UCL] (2015) Congrès du Réseau francophone de sociolinguistique — Université de Grenoble
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    In situ stress, strain and dielectric measurements to understand electrostriction in anodic oxides
    Van Overmeere, Quentin[UCL] Blaffart, Frédéric[UCL] La Mantia, Fabio Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Di Quarto, Francesco Proost, Joris[UCL] (2014) 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Corrosion, Passivity and Oxide Films — Lausanne (CH)
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    The influence of weathering processes on Si, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Mo stable isotope fractionation in the Critical Zone: a case study from Icelandic soils
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2018) Conference “Metal Stable Isotope Geochemistry” & Final IsoNose Workshop — Sorèze, France
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    Mineral Weathering in Thawing Permafrost: Causes and consequences
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2018) “Coupling Earth system function to climatic change” — Bordeaux
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    Le fonds Ryckmans conservé aux archives de l’Université catholique de Louvain : historique, projets et enjeux
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    WHEN ARCHETYPES GENERATE UNCERTAINTY The case of the scattered metropolis
    Roland, Lee Christopher[UCL] (2014) 20th Century New Towns | Archetypes and Uncertainties — Porto, ESAP
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    Double-scale FEM modelling applied to clay rocks
    Dansereau, Véronique Pardoen, Benoît[UCL] Bésuelle, Pierre Dal Pont, Stefano Desrues, Jacques (2019) 15th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS 2019 — Barcelona, Spain
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    Development of an advanced actuator disk model for Large-Eddy Simulation of wind farms
    Moens, Maud[UCL] Duponcheel, Matthieu[UCL] Winckelmans, Grégoire[UCL] Chatelain, Philippe[UCL] (2015) 68th Annual Meeting of the APS DIvision of Fluid Dynamics — Boston, Massachussetts
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    Large eddy simulation of unsteady wind farm behavior using advanced actuator disk models
    Moens, Maud[UCL] Duponcheel, Matthieu[UCL] Winckelmans, Grégoire[UCL] Chatelain, Philippe[UCL] (2014) 67th Annual Meeting of the APS DIvision of Fluid Dynamics — San Francisco, California
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    Temperature rise and water stress modify floral signals of bee-visited plants
    Descamps, Charlotte[UCL] Quinet, Muriel[UCL] Jacquemart, Anne-Laure[UCL] (2018) Annual Meeting of Plant Ecology and Evolution — Meise
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    “Every marriage is fundamentally a marriage between a sponge and a rock” : female gender roles in Catholic middle-class youth
    Banse, Camille[UCL] (2022) “To make daily life vast and beautiful” : women leaders and the theological method of the Jocist movement — Leuven
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    Exposition itinérante. Les Congolais dans la Grande Guerre : Inconnus à cette adresse
    Brosens, Griet Cornet, Anne Ngongo, Enika[FUSL] (2016) Exposition itinérante. Les Congolais dans la Grande Guerre : Inconnus à cette adresse — Bruxelles - Anvers - Ostende - Namur
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    Tax Interactions among Belgian Municipalities: does language matter?
    Gérard, Marcel[UCL] (2008) CPEG Annual Meeting — Vancouver
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    Tax Interactions among Belgian Municipalities: does language matter?
    Gérard, Marcel[UCL] (2008) Canadian Economic Association Annual Meeting — Vancouver
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    Conséquences de la pratique du télétravail, Vers une désocialisation ou une nouvelle forme de socialisation ?
    Taskin, Laurent[UCL] Delobbe, Nathalie[UCL] (2002) Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Psychologie du Travail de Langue Française — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
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    Tax Interactions among Belgian Municipalities: does language matter?
    Gérard, Marcel[FUCAM] (2008) CESifo network in Public Economics annual meeting — Munich
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    Soil hydraulic constraints on transpiration
    Carminati, Andrea Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2019) XIM4: 4th Xylem International Meeting — Padua, Italy
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    In Vitro polymicrobial bacteria-fungal biofilm model in the context of prosthetic joint infections
    Ruiz Sorribas, Albert[UCL] Poilvache, Hervé[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] Van Bambeke, Françoise[UCL] (2019) 38th Annual Meeting of the European Bone and Joint Infection Society (EBJIS) — (Belgium) Antwerp
