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Displaying 1 - 25 of 484 results.


    • Journal article
    Scale-dependency of the hydraulic properties of a variably saturated heterogeneous sandy subsoil
    Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] (2006) Journal of Hydrology — Vol. 327, no. 3-4, p. 376-388 (2006)
    • Journal article
    Revisiting Vereecken Pedotransfer Functions: Introducing a Closed-Form Hydraulic Model
    Weynants, Mélanie[UCL] Vereecken, H. Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2009) Vadose Zone Journal — Vol. 8, no. 1, p. 86-95 (2009)
    • Journal article
    What indicators can capture runoff-relevant connectivity properties of the micro-topography at the plot scale?
    Antoine, Michaël[UCL] Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Bielders, Charles[UCL] (2009) Advances in Water Resources — Vol. 32, no. 8, p. 1297-1310 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Experimental study of water flow and sulphate transport at monolith scale
    Abbasi, F. Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] Feyen, J Wyseure, Guido[UCL] Nziguheba, G (2006) Agricultural Water Management — Vol. 79, no. 1, p. 93-112 (2006)
    • Speech
    Soil hydraulic constraints on transpiration
    Carminati, Andrea Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2019) XIM4: 4th Xylem International Meeting — Padua, Italy
    • Speech
    MARSHAL: a Unique Tool for Breeding Virtual Maize Root System Hydraulic Architectures
    Meunier, Félicien[UCL] Lobet, Guillaume[UCL] Draye, Xavier[UCL] Couvreur, Valentin[UCL] Vanderborght, Jan Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2018) Root Research and The Forefront of Science International Symposium (ISRR-10) — Yearim Hotel, Israel
    • Speech
    Coupled root water and solute uptake – first applications of RoSI model to real-world scenarios
    Hammel K Guerra H.J. Schnepf Andrea Vanderborght Jan Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Huber K Oberdörster C Vereecken Harry (2018) 20th International Fresenius AGRO Conference. "Behaviour of Pesticides in Air, Soil and Water" — Mainz/Germany
