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Displaying 1 - 25 of 30 results.


    • Speech
    Soil hydraulic constraints on transpiration
    Carminati, Andrea Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2019) EGU General Assembly 2019 — Vienna, Austria
    • Journal article
    Soil hydraulics affect the degree of isohydricity
    Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Carminati, Andrea (2021) Plant Physiology — p. 1-4 (2021)
    • Speech
    Physical Constraints and Biological Control of Root Water Uptake
    Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Carminati, Andrea (2019) Soil Science Society of America - International Soils Meeting — San Diego, CA
    • BookChapter
    Root water uptake and myco-rhizosphere hydraulic properties
    Carminati, Andrea Marin, Maria Couvreur, Valentin[UCL] Zarebanadkouki, Mohsen Declerck, Stephan[UCL] Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2023) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment — [ISBN : 978-0-323-95133-3]
    • Speech
    Soil hydraulic constraints on transpiration
    Carminati, Andrea Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2019) XIM4: 4th Xylem International Meeting — Padua, Italy
    • Journal article
    Soil Rather Than Xylem Vulnerability Controls Stomatal Response to Drought
    Carminati, Andrea Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2020) Trends in Plant Science — Vol. 25, no. 9, p. 868-880 (2020)
    • Journal article
    The impact of mucilage on root water uptake - A numerical study
    Schwartz, Nimrod[UCL] Carminati, Andrea Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2016) Water Resources Research — Vol. 52 (22.12.2015)
    • Speech
    Soil-root hydraulic constraints on transpiration and stomatal regulation in crops
    Ahmed, Mutez Ali Cai, Gaochao Hayat, Faisal Abdalla, Mohanned Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Carminati, Andrea (2020) Interdrought 2020 - The 6th congress on plant production in water-limited environments — Mexico City, Mexico
    • Speech
    The Impact of Rhizosphere Processes on Water Flow and Root Water Uptake
    Schwartz, Nimrod[UCL] Kroener, Eva Carminati, Andrea Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2015) European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly — Vienna (Austria)
