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Affichage: 1 - 25 sur 285 résultats.


    • Article de périodique
    Belgian expert opinion: how to reduce the residual risk in atherogenic dyslipidaemic patients: place of fibrates
    Ducobu, Jean Hermans, Michel[UCL] Scheen, Andre Van Gaal, Luc Velkeniers, Brigitte (2008) Acta Cardiologica : an international journal of cardiology — Vol. 63, no. 2, p. 235-248 (2008)
    • Article de périodique
    Non-pharmacological management of type 2 diabetes.
    Buysschaert, Martin[UCL] Hermans, Michel[UCL] (2004) Acta clinica Belgica — Vol. 59, no. 1, p. 14-9 (2004)
    • Article de périodique
    Les complications endocriniennes de l'hemochromatose genetique.
    Paris, Isabelle Hermans, Michel[UCL] Buysschaert, Martin[UCL] (1999) Acta clinica Belgica — Vol. 54, no. 6, p. 334-45 (1999)
    • Article de périodique
    Detection of low-range diabetic microalbuminuria: Micral-Test revisited.
    Hermans, Michel[UCL] Selvais, Philippe[UCL] van Ypersele de Strihou, M[UCL] Ketelslegers, Jean-Marie[UCL] (1994) Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association — Vol. 11, no. 7, p. 715-716 (1994)
    • Article de périodique
    MRI of cervical cord lesions and their resolution in Toxocara canis myelopathy.
    Duprez, Thierry[UCL] Bigaignon, Geoffroy[UCL] Delgrange, Etienne[UCL] Desfontaines, P. Hermans, Michel[UCL] Vervoort, T. Sindic, Christian[UCL] Buysschaert, Martin[UCL] (1996) Neuroradiology : a journal devoted to neuroimaging and interventional neuroradiology — Vol. 38, no. 8, p. 792-795 (1996)
    • Article de périodique
    Diabetes and the endothelium.
    Hermans, Michel[UCL] (2007) Acta clinica Belgica — Vol. 62, no. 2, p. 97-101 (2007)
    • Article de périodique
    Erectile dysfunction and lower androgenicity in type 1 diabetic patients
    Alexopoulou, Orsalia[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Maiter, Dominique[UCL] Hermans, Michel[UCL] De Hertogh, René[UCL] De Nayer, Philippe[UCL] Buysschaert, Martin[UCL] (2001) Diabetes & Metabolism — Vol. 27, no. 3, p. 329-336 (2001)
    • Article de périodique
    Raised Plasma Urotensin II in Type 2 Diabetes Patients Is Associated With the Metabolic Syndrome Phenotype
    Gruson, Damien[UCL] Rousseau, Michel[UCL] Ketelslegers, Jean-Marie[UCL] Hermans, Michel[UCL] (2010) Journal of Clinical Hypertension — Vol. 12, no. 8, p. 653-660 (2010)
    • Article de périodique
    Do high ferritin levels confer lower cardiovascular risk in men with Type 2 diabetes?
    Hermans, Michel[UCL] Ahn, Sylvie A[UCL] Amoussou-Guenou, K Daniel Balde, Naby Moussa Rousseau, Michel[UCL] (2010) Diabetic Medicine: journal of diabetes UK — Vol. 27, no. 4, p. 417-422 (2010)
    • Communication
    Easy-to-use clinical criteria for screening malnutrition in older patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
    Christiaens, Antoine[UCL] Beeckmans, Marianne[UCL] Hermans, Michel[UCL] Boland, Benoît[UCL] (2014) Journées d'Automne - Société belge de gériatrie et gérontologie (SBGG) — Liège, BE
    • Communication
    Easy-to-use clinical criteria for screening malnutrition in older patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
    Christiaens, Antoine[UCL] Beeckmans, Marianne[UCL] Hermans, Michel[UCL] Boland, Benoît[UCL] (2015) European union geriatric medicine society congress (EUGMS) — Oslo, NW
    • Article de périodique
    Performance evaluation of the Precision PCx point-of-care blood glucose analyzer using discriminant ratio methodology.
    Miendje Deyi, Véronique Y[UCL] Philippe, Marianne[UCL] Alexandre, Kathy De Nayer, Philippe[UCL] Hermans, Michel[UCL] (2002) Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine : CCLM / FESCC — Vol. 40, no. 10, p. 1052-1055 (2002)
    • Article de périodique
    Coma hyperglycémique non cétosique induit par la somatostatine chez un patient atteint du SIDA.
    Vandercam, Bernard[UCL] Hermans, Michel[UCL] Coumans, P. Jacques, D. Gala, Jean-Luc[UCL] Kolanowski, Jaroslaw[UCL] (1995) Presse médicale (Paris, France : 1983) — Vol. 24, no. 30, p. 1389-90 (1995)
    • Article de périodique
    Lipohypertrophy Effect on Glycemic Profile in an Adult With Type 1 Diabetes Using Scanned Continuous Glucose Monitoring.
    Oriot, Philippe Hermans, Michel[UCL] (2020) Journal of diabetes science and technology — Vol. 14, no. 2, p. 500-501 (2020)
    • Communication
    Tailoring of glucose lowering therapy in older patients with diabetes mellitus.
    Christiaens, Antoine[UCL] Boland, Benoît[UCL] Hermans, Michel[UCL] (2015) RE.PO.SI. Targeting the Burden of Polypharmacy in the elderly. — Milan, IT
