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Affichage: 1 - 25 sur 32 résultats.


    • Article de périodique
    Dietary non-digestible carbohydrates promote L-cell differentiation in the proximal colon of rats.
    Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] Hoste, Sophie[UCL] Guiot, Yves[UCL] Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] (2007) The British Journal of Nutrition : an international journal of nutritional science — Vol. 98, no. 1, p. 32-37 (2007)
    • Article de périodique
    Induction of adiponectin in skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic mice: In vivo and in vitro studies.
    Delaigle, Aurélie[UCL] Senou, Maximin[UCL] Guiot, Yves[UCL] Many, Marie-Christine[UCL] Brichard, Sonia[UCL] (2006) Diabetologia : clinical and experimental diabetes and metabolism — Vol. 49, no. 6, p. 1311-1323 (2006)
    • Article de périodique
    Is the expression of Gal-alpha1,3Gal on porcine pancreatic islets modified by isolation procedure?
    Dufrane, Denis[UCL] Goebbels, R M[UCL] Guiot, Yves[UCL] Gianello, Pierre[UCL] (2005) Transplantation proceedings — Vol. 37, no. 1, p. 455-7 (2005)
    • Article de périodique
    Effects of glibenclamide on pancreatic beta-cell proliferation in vivo.
    Guiot, Yves[UCL] Henquin, Jean-Claude[UCL] Rahier, Jacques[UCL] (1994) European Journal of Pharmacology — Vol. 261, no. 1-2, p. 157-161 (1994)
    • Article de périodique
    Glucose acutely decreases pH of secretory granules in mouse pancreatic islets. Mechanisms and influence on insulin secretion
    Stiernet, Patrick[UCL] Guiot, Yves[UCL] Gilon, Patrick[UCL] Henquin, Jean-Claude[UCL] (2006) Journal of Biological Chemistry — Vol. 281, no. 31, p. 22142-22151 (2006)
    • Article de périodique
    Impact of Sur1 gene inactivation on the morphology of mouse pancreatic endocrine tissue.
    Marhfour, Ihsane[UCL] Moulin, Pierre Marchandise, Joëlle[UCL] Rahier, Jacques[UCL] Sempoux, Christine[UCL] Guiot, Yves[UCL] (2009) Cell and tissue research — Vol. 335, no. 3, p. 505-15 (2009)
    • Article de périodique
    Morphologic analysis of focal and diffuse forms of congenital hyperinsulinism.
    Rahier, Jacques[UCL] Guiot, Yves[UCL] Sempoux, Christine[UCL] (2011) Seminars in Pediatric Surgery — Vol. 20, no. 1, p. 3-12 (2011)
