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Displaying 89101 - 222775 of 225252 results.


    • BookChapter
    Effects of Additive Noise on the Stability of Glacial Cycles, Mathematical Paradigms of Climate Science
    Crucifix, Michel[UCL] Mitsui, Takahito[UCL] (2016) Mathematical Paradigms of Climate Science — [ISBN : 978-3-319-39091-8]
    • Speech
    Ferromagnetic resonance studies of nickel and permalloy nanowire arrays
    Demand, M. Encinas-Oropesa, A. Kenane, Salah[UCL] Ebels, U. Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] Piraux, Luc[UCL] (2002) International Workshop on Magnetic Wires (IWMW) — SAN SEBASTIAN(Spain)
    • Speech
    Mossbauer study of the thermal decomposition of cesium tris(oxalato)ferrate(III)dihydrate
    Ladrière, Jean[UCL] Apers, Désiré[UCL] (1988) International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect — Clayton, Vic., Australia
    • BookChapter
    Assessment of a donor for liver transplantation
    Dahlqvist, Géraldine[UCL] (2024) The Liver Graft Before Transplantation — [ISBN : 9780323996556]
    • Speech
    Static fracture toughness and environmentally assisted cracking in thin freestanding SiO2 and SiN films using crack-on-chip testing
    Jaddi, Sahar Coulombier, Michaël[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2021) The 2021 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) — Virtual conference
    • BookChapter
    Political Discourse as Institutional Communication
    Jacobs, Geert Jacobs, Thomas[USL-B] (2023) Handbook of Political Discourse — [ISBN : 9781800373563]
    • BookChapter
    Disorders affecting cutaneous vasculature
    Dompmartin, Anne Revencu, Nicole[UCL] Boon, Laurence M.[UCL] Vikkula, Miikka[UCL] (2016) Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 9th edition — [ISBN : 9781118441190]
    • Speech
    Prise en charge des AVC et AIT @ home : Do’s & don'ts
    Vandermeeren, Yves[UCL] (2022) Grande Journée Scientifique de la Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale (SSMG) — Bouge, Belgium
    • Speech
    Performance issues of selective disclosure and blinded issuing protocols on Java card
    Tews, H. Jacobs, B. (2009) Information Security Theory and Practice. Smart Devices, Pervasive Systems, and Ubiquitous Networks. Third IFIP WG11.2 International Workshop, WISTP 2009 — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    Map legend and response design : how do they affect accuracy of GEOBIA results
    Radoux, Julien[UCL] Bogaert, Patrick[UCL] (2016) GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and Synergies — University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC)
    • Speech
    The case of Pakistan: middle powermanship as a role
    Vandamme, Dorothée[UCL] (2017) Genesys Symposium - Middle Powers: Passive or Active Stakeholders — Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
    • BookChapter
    Classification of Synovial Tumors According to WHO 2020
    Kerckhofs, Annelies Siozopoulou, Vasiliki[UCL] (2023) Imaging of Synovial Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions — [ISBN : 9783031336348]
    • BookChapter
    Normal Anatomy and Histology
    Kerckhofs, Annelies Siozopoulou, Vasiliki[UCL] (2023) Imaging of Synovial Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions — [ISBN : 9783031336348]
    • Speech
    La formation-relais : approches descriptives et évaluative du programme
    Wouters, Pascale[UCL] Lemaire, David[UCL] David, Julie[UCL] Draime, Jacques[UCL] Blanpain, B. Lebrun, Marcel[UCL] Laloux, Auguste[UCL] Remy, Marie-Louise[UCL] Verwaerde, Anne[UCL] (1999) Apprendre et enseigner autrement. Actes du 16ème colloque Association Internationale de Pédagogie universitaire. Tome 1 — Montréal
    • Speech
    L’approche historique en exégèse
    Ausloos, Hans[UCL] (2017) Colloque des doctorants – École doctorale en théologie et en études bibliques — Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Speech
    Do post-stroke cognitive impairments interfere with motor learning?
    Vandermeeren, Yves[UCL] (2023) 4th International Congress on Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. Focused Symposium - The influence of motor cognition on fun — Maastricht, The Netherlands
    • Speech
    Directional interchangeability for enhancing CSP solving
    Naanaa, W. (2007) Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. 4th International Conference, CPAIOR 2007 — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    La Délégation Apostolique du Saint-Siège au Canada dans l’histoire des délégations apostoliques
    Roy-Lysencourt, Philippe[UCL] (2015) Histoire de la Délégation Apostolique du Saint-Siège au Canada (1877-1969) — Rome : École Française de Rome
    • Speech
    Modeling Root Water Uptake in Hetereogeneous Soils
    Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Vanderborght, Jan Vereecken, Harry Huber, Katrin Couvreur, Valentin (2015) ASA, CSSSA and SSSA international annual meetings — Minneapolis, USA
