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Displaying 1 - 25 of 2808 results.


    • Speech
    Normalisation langagière et "assujettissement joyeux" au travail
    Mariscal, Vincent[UCL] (2015) Congrès du Réseau francophone de sociolinguistique — Université de Grenoble
    • BookChapter
    Synthesis of Polymer Nanocomposites by Water-Assisted Extrusion
    Sallem, Naïma[UCL] Sclavons, Michel[UCL] Devaux, Jacques[UCL] (2015) Synthesis Techniques for Polymer Nanocomposites — [ISBN : 978-3-527-33455-1]
    • BookChapter
    Statut et rôle de Moïse dans le récit de l’alliance sinaïtique (Ex 19,1–20,21)
    Misenga Dituanya, Marie-Anne[UCL] (2015) Statut et rôle de Moïse dans le récit de l’alliance sinaïtique (Ex 19,1–20,21) — [ISBN : non-spécifié]
    • Speech
    Development of an advanced actuator disk model for Large-Eddy Simulation of wind farms
    Moens, Maud[UCL] Duponcheel, Matthieu[UCL] Winckelmans, Grégoire[UCL] Chatelain, Philippe[UCL] (2015) 68th Annual Meeting of the APS DIvision of Fluid Dynamics — Boston, Massachussetts
    • Journal article
    Socio-economic status and enrollment in higher education: do costs matter?
    Declercq, Koen[USL-B] Verboven, Frank (2015) Education Economics — Vol. 23, no.5, p. 532-556 (2015)
    • Journal article
    Faute de la victime et partage de responsabilité
    Mortier, Stéphanie[FUSL] (2015) Les Pages, Obligations, Contrats et responsabilités — Vol. 1, no.6, p. 3 (2015)
    • Journal article
    The control over personal data: True remedy or fairy tale?
    Lazaro, Christophe[UCL] Le Métayer, Daniel (2015) SCRIPTed — Vol. 12, no. 1, p. 3-34 (2015)
    • BookChapter
    Arts et métiers graphiques en de fotografie
    Reverseau, Anne[UCL] Van Gansen, Kristof (2015) Arts et métiers graphiques. Art and design in the interwar period — [ISBN : 9789082302318]
    • Journal article
    Review of Neo-Latin Philology: Old Tradition, New Approaches
    Sciancalepore, Antonella[UCL] (2015) Philology — Vol. 1, no.-, p. 297-300 (2015)
    • Speech
    Introducing Root System Markup Language
    Lobet, Guillaume[UCL] (2015) Modeling plant development from the organ to the whole plant scale — Montpellier, France
    • Journal article
    Le problème des universaux chez Thomas d’Aquin, vu avec des lunettes analytiques
    Perez Chamorro, Daniel Alejandro[UCL] (2015) Praxis Filosofica — Vol. 40, no.1, p. 113-135 (2015)
    • Journal article
    Course Design and Delivery Specifications as a Tool for Ensuring Quality in an Online Training Program
    Docq, Françoise[UCL] (2015) Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology — Vol. 41, no.4, p. 1-26 (2015)
    • Speech
    Science Valorisation
    Lobet, Guillaume[UCL] (2015) Let's Talk Science — Leuven, Belgiu
    • Speech
    Structural Root Modelling
    Lobet, Guillaume[UCL] (2015) Winter School on Root Phenotyping — Juelich, Germany
    • BookChapter
    Le droit de l’expropriation directe et indirecte
    Radi, Yannick[UCL] Dupuy Pierre-Marie (2015) Traité de droit des investissements étrangers — [ISBN : 9782233007728]
    • Speech
    On the impacts of mathematical realization over practical security of leakage resilient cryptographic schemes
    Fan, Guangjun Zhou, Yongbin Standaert, François-Xavier[UCL] Feng, Dengguo (2015) International conference on information security practice and experience, ISPEC — Beijing, China
    • BookChapter
    International Investment Law and Development: a History of Two Concepts
    Radi, Yannick[UCL] (2015) International Investment Law and Development: Bridging the Gap — [ISBN : 9781784711344]
    • Journal article
    Electronic Health Record for Intensive Care based on Usual Windows Based Software.
    Reper, Arnaud REPER, Pascal[UCL] (2015) Acta informatica medica : AIM : — Vol. 23, no. 4, p. 224-7 (2015)
