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Displaying 1 - 25 of 74 results.


    • BookChapter
    Synthesis of Polymer Nanocomposites by Water-Assisted Extrusion
    Sallem, Naïma[UCL] Sclavons, Michel[UCL] Devaux, Jacques[UCL] (2015) Synthesis Techniques for Polymer Nanocomposites — [ISBN : 978-3-527-33455-1]
    • Journal article
    Polyolefins-biofibre composites: A new way for an industrial production
    Soulestin, J. Quiévy, Nicolas[UCL] Sclavons, Michel[UCL] Devaux, Jacques[UCL] (2007) Polymer Engineering and Science — Vol. 47, no. 4, p. 467-476 (2007)
    • Journal article
    Polymer-based nanocomposites: Overview, applications and perspectives
    Fedullo, Nicolas Sorlier, Elodie Sclavons, Michel[UCL] Bailly, Christian[UCL] Lefebvre, Jean-Marc Devaux, Jacques[UCL] (2007) Progress in Organic Coatings — Vol. 58, no. 2-3, p. 87-95 (2007)
    • Journal article
    Nanocomposites from untreated clay: A myth?
    Fedullo, N Sclavons, Michel[UCL] Bailly, Christian[UCL] Lefebvre, JM Devaux, Jacques[UCL] (2006) Macromolecular Symposia — Vol. 233, p. 235-245 (2006)
    • Journal article
    Molecular Characterization of Maleic Anhydride-functionalized Polypropylene
    Deroover, B. Legras, Roger[UCL] Sclavons, Michel[UCL] Carlier, Véronique[UCL] Devaux, Jacques[UCL] Momtaz, A. (1995) Journal of Polymer Science. Part A, Polymer Chemistry — Vol. 33, no. 5, p. 829-842 (1995)
    • Journal article
    Carboxylate clays: A model study for polypropylene/clay nanocomposites
    Rousseaux, Dimitri[UCL] Sclavons, Michel[UCL] GODARD, Pierre[UCL] Marchand-Brynaert, Jacqueline[UCL] (2010) Polymer Degradation and Stability — Vol. 95, no. 7, p. 1194-1204 (2010)
    • Speech
    Incorporation of microfibrillated cellulose in polymers via extrusion
    Quiévy, Nicolas[UCL] Sclavons, Michel[UCL] Devaux, Jacques[UCL] (2009) SAMPE Benelux Spring Seminar — TU/Twente (NL)
    • Journal article
    Structure-property relationships in polyamide 12/halloysite nanotube nanocomposites
    Lecouvet, Benoît[UCL] Gutierrez, J.G.[UCL] Sclavons, Michel[UCL] Bailly, Christian[UCL] (2011) Polymer Degradation and Stability — Vol. 96, no. 2, p. 226-235 (feb. 2011)
    • Journal article
    Dynamic mechanical thermal and infrared analyses of polyacrylonitrile "electrografted" onto a metal
    Calberg, C Mertens, Martine[UCL] Baute, N Jérome, R. Carlier, Véronique[UCL] Sclavons, Michel[UCL] Legras, Roger[UCL] (1998) Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Physics — Vol. 36, no. 4, p. 543-553 (1998)
