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Displaying 311 - 800 of 804 results.


    • Speech
    CMOS compatible 2-D self-assembled MEMS in thin film SOI technology
    Iker, François[UCL] Si Moussa, Mehdi[UCL] André, Nicolas[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2005) Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (U.R.S.I.) — Brussels, Belgium
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    A maximum stress at a distance criterion for fracture in adhesively-bonded joints
    Kinloch, A. Martiny, Ph. Lani, Frédéric Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2014) 7th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives — Les Diablerets, Suisse
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    Thin films stress extraction using micromachined structures and wafer curvature measurements
    Laconte, Jean[UCL] Iker, François[UCL] André, Nicolas[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Proost, Joris[UCL] Flandre, Denis[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2004) Workshop on advanced microelectronics materials, Materials for Advanced Metallization (MAM 2004) — Brussels (Belgium)
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    Application of process induced stress to study the mechanical properties of monocrystalline and amorphous silicon thin films
    Passi, Vikram[UCL] Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2010) Nanomechanical Testing Workshop and Hysitron User Meeting — INM, Saarbrücken, Germany
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    Graphene from alcohols
    Campos Delgado, Jessica[UCL] Botello Mendez, Andrés Rafael[UCL] Hackens, Benoît[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Charlier, J.C.[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2012) Graphene 2012 International Conference — Brussels, Belgium
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    Microlaboratoire « on chip » pour la mesure des propriétés mécaniques de films minces
    Coulombier, Michaël[UCL] André, Nicolas[UCL] Sobieski, Stanislas[UCL] Houri, Samer[UCL] Gravier, Sébastien[UCL] Carbonnelle, Pierre[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2007) Pôle de compétitivité MECATECH - Journée de Rencontre Entreprises-Laboratoires — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
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    Multipurpose on-chip nanomechanical laboratory for testing the size-dependent strength and ductility of submicron metallic films
    André, Nicolas[UCL] Coulombier, Michaël[UCL] De Longueville, Vincent[UCL] Fabrègue, Damien[UCL] Gets, T. Gravier, Sébastien[UCL] Houri, Samer[UCL] Safi, Asmahan[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2007) International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium on Multi-Scale Plasticity of Crystalline Materials Organization — Eindhoven, The Netherlands
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    Linking microstructure and high temperature ductility in aluminium alloys AA6xxx
    LASSANCE, D. Schmitz, M. Delannay, Francis[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2004) 15th European Conference on Fracture : Advanced fracture Mechanics for Life and Safety Assessment — Stockholm, Sweden
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    A new nanomechanical testing concept for thin films
    Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Coulombier, Michaël[UCL] Safi, A. Boé, A. Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2008) Gordon Conference on thin films — Colby College, Maine USA
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    A new on chip nanomechanical testing concept applied to ductile and brittle thin film materials
    Safi, A. Houri, Samer[UCL] Coulombier, Michaël[UCL] Gravier, S. André, Nicolas[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2008) EuroSimE 2008 International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics; Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Micro-Systems — Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
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    New testing method for ductility of thin Al films (oral pres. by M. Coulombier)
    Coulombier, Michaël[UCL] Boé, A. Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar[UCL] Ryelandt, Sophie[UCL] Brugger, Charles[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2009) ECI 2009, Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development — Barga (Tuscany), Italy
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    Multiscale Modelling of Adhesive Joint Fracture: Energy Separation and Constraint Effects
    Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2010) 33rd Annual adhesion society meeting — Daytona Beach, US
