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Displaying 7 results.
    • Journal article
    [Influence of an alloying element (Cu, Mn, Fe, B) on the mechanical properties of binary eutectic Al-5.7% Ni alloys, hardened by dispersion of fine intermetallic particles and by severe plastic deformation]
    Terao, Nobuzo[UCL] Zhong-Yuang Wen Dille, J. Berghezan, A. (1982) Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus des Seances. Serie 2: Mecanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de la Terre, Sciences de l'Univers — Vol. 295, no. 4, p. 459-464 (1982)
    • Journal article
    [Influence of An Alloying Element (cu, Mn, Fe, B) On the Mechanical-properties of Binary Eutectic Al-5.7-percent Ni-alloys, Hardened By Dispersion of Fine Intermetallic Particles and By Severe Plastic-deformation]
    Terao, Nobuzo[UCL] Wen, ZY. Dille, J. Berghezan, A. (1982) Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences - Séries IIB - - Mécanique, Physique, chimie, astronomie — Vol. 295, no. 4, p. 459-& (1982)
    • Journal article
    [On a New Method of Preparation of Dispersion Hardening Materials - Improvement of Mechanical-properties of As-cast Eutectics Followed By Heavy Deformation]
    Berghezan, A. Dille, J. Deschamps, Robert[UCL] Vielvoye, G. Terao, Nobuzo[UCL] (1981) Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences - Séries IIB - - Mécanique, Physique, chimie, astronomie — Vol. 293, no. 6, p. 417-420 (1981)