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Displaying 19 results.
    • Speech
    3-D modelling of water flow and solute transport in soils: challenges and opportunities
    Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] (2007) Congrès International "Eaux et déchets" — Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed 1er, Oujda, Maroc
    • Speech
    Modelling effective behaviour of maize root under water scarcity
    Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Schröder, T. Vanderborght, J. Vereecken, H. (2007) International Conference "Rhizosphere 2", Session 8: Modelling and upscaling — Montpellier, France
    • Speech
    Effect of soil resistance at soil-root interface on root water uptake
    Schröder, T. Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Vanderborght, J. Vereecken, H. (2007) International Conference "Rhizosphere 2", Session 8: Modelling and upscaling — Montpellier, France
    • Speech
    Numerical models for prediction a water flow and solute transport in soil
    Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] (2007) Soil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and Security — Sofia, Bulgaria
    • Speech
    Recent advances in characterizing flow and transport in unsaturated soil at core and field scale
    Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Lambot, Sébastien[UCL] (2007) Estudios de la zona no saturada del Suelo: ZNS07 — Cordoba, Spain
    • Speech
    Improving pedotransfert function by adding structure-related parameters
    Weynants, Mélanie[UCL] Vereecken, H. Vanclooster, Marnik[UCL] Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2007) WAter POllution in natural POrous media at different scales. Assessment of fate, impact and indicators (WAPO2) — Barcelone, Spain