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Displaying 1 - 25 of 381 results.


    • Journal article
    Clay content evaluation in soils through GPR signal processing
    Tosti, Fabio Patriarca, Claudio Slob, Evert Benedetto, Andrea Lambot, Sébastien[UCL] (2013) Journal of Applied Geophysics — Vol. 97, p. 69-80 (2013)
    • Speech
    UAV-based modeling to see the non-visible: A methodological reflection in Pachacamac
    Van Dongen, Alexandre Lambot, Sébastien[UCL] Eeckhout, Peter Lo Buglio, David (2018) Digital Heritage 2018: New realities, Authenticity & Automation in the Digital Age — San Francisco, USA
    • Journal article
    Le radar qui voit les fuites d'eau
    Lambot, Sébastien[UCL] (2013) Vers l'Avenir — , p. 8 (8 février 2013)
    • Journal article
    Influence of Bark Surface Roughness on Tree Trunk Radar Inspection
    Jezova, Jana[UCL] Lambot, Sébastien[UCL] (2019) Ground Penetrating Radar — Vol. 2, no. 1, p. 1-25 (2019)
    • Speech
    Dielectric characterization of the shallow subsurface using ground penetrating radar for supporting humanitarian demining
    Lambot, Sébastien[UCL] van den Bosch, I. Slob, E.C. (2003) Eudem2-Scot International Conference on requirements and technologies for the detection, removal and neutralization of landmines and UXO — VUB, Brussels
    • Journal article
    Filtering soil surface and antenna effects from GPR data to enhance landmine detection
    Lopera, Olga Slob, Evert C. Milisavljevic, Nada Lambot, Sébastien (2007) IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing — Vol. 45, no. 3, p. 707-717 (2007)
    • Speech
    DC Resistivity Tomography and Radar Full-wave Inversion of Cylindrical Targets
    Gao, Lan[UCL] Xiaoping Wu Dachena, Chiara[UCL] Wu, Kaijun[UCL] Alessandro Fedeli Matteo Pastorino Andrea Randazzo Lambot, Sébastien[UCL] (2021) The 15th China International Geo-Electromagnetic Workshop, 2021, Changchun, China — Changchun, China
