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Displaying 1 - 25 of 100 results.


    • Journal article
    CUSUM control charts for the Coefficient of Variation with Measurement Errors
    Tran, Phuong Hanh Heuchenne, Cédric[USL-B] (2019) IFAC-PapersOnLine — Vol. 52, no.13, p. 1884-1889 (2019)
    • Journal article
    Anomaly Detection for Compositional Data using VSI MEWMA control chart
    Van Nguyen, Thi Thuy Heuchenne, Cédric[UCL] Tran, Kim Phuc (2022) IFAC-PapersOnLine — Vol. 55, no. 10, p. 1533-1538 (2022)
    • Journal article
    Firm performance and the crowd effect in lobbying competition
    Alexandre Girard[UCL] Jean-Yves Gnabo Rodrigo Londono van RUtten[USL-B] (2023) Finance Research Letters — Vol. 53, no.1, p. 103618 (2023)
    • BookChapter
    La courbe environnementale de Kuznets revisitée
    Nève de Mevergnies, Martin[USL-B] Hamaide, Bertrand[USL-B] (2015) La croissance: réalité et perspectives — [ISBN : 978-2-87306-135-7]
    • Speech
    "Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players"
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2017) III Workshop Knowledge, Innovation and Internatinalization Strategies (KIIS III), — Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia; Valencia (Spain)
    • Speech
    "Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players"
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2017) 17th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics, — Faro, (Portugal),
    • Speech
    "Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players"
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2017) Séminaire au Grenoble Applied Economics Lab (GAEL), — Université de Grenoble, Grenoble (France)
    • Speech
    "Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players"
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2017) 22nd Coalition Theory Network Workshop, — University of Glasgow, Glasgow (United Kingdom)
    • Speech
    "Constitutions and Groups in Social Networks"
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2017) Third Annual Conference on Network Science in Economics, — Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis (USA),
    • Speech
    Constitutions and Groups
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2016) UECE Lisbon Meetings 2016: Game Theory and Applications, — Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal)
    • Speech
    "Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players"
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2017) Séminaire au Department of Economics, — Brown University, Providence (USA),
    • Speech
    "Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players"
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2017) CORE Brown Bag Seminar, — CORE, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
    • Speech
    "Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players"
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2017) First Spain-Japan Meeting on Economic Theory, — Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla (Spain)
    • Speech
    "Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players"
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2017) CEREC Workshop in Economics, — Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles, Brussels (Belgium)
    • Speech
    "Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players"
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2017) UECE Lisbon Meetings 2017: Game Theory and Applications, — Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal)
    • Speech
    Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2018) Seminar at CES, Université de Paris 1 — Paris (France)
    • Speech
    Integration in Friendship Networks with Myopic and Farsighted Agents
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2018) UECE Lisbon Meetings 2018: Game Theory and Applications, Technical University of Lisbon, , October 25-27, 2018. — Lisbon (Portugal)
    • Speech
    Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2018) Third Bilbao-Norwich-Malaga Workshop on Economics of Networks, — Bilbao (Spain)
    • Speech
    Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] (2018) Seminar at the Department of Economics, University of Kent, — Canterbury (United Kingdom)
