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Displaying 1 - 25 of 108 results.


    • Journal article
    Sclerosing cholangitis associated to cryptosporidiosis in liver-transplanted children.
    Campos, M Jouzdani, E Sempoux, Christine[UCL] Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Reding, Raymond[UCL] Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] Sokal, Etienne[UCL] (2000) European journal of pediatrics — Vol. 159, no. 1-2, p. 113-5 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Getting rid of steroids in pediatric solid-organ transplantation?
    Reding, Raymond[UCL] Webber, Steven A Fine, Richard (2004) Pediatric transplantation — Vol. 8, no. 6, p. 526-30 (2004)
    • Journal article
    IMx tacrolimus II vs IMx tacrolimus microparticle enzyme immunoassay evaluated in renal and hepatic transplant patients
    Wallemacq, Pierre[UCL] Leal, Teresinha[UCL] Besse, Tatiana Squifflet, Jean-Paul[UCL] Reding, Raymond[UCL] Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] Lerut, Jan[UCL] Hassoun, Alexandre (1997) Clinical Chemistry : international journal of molecular diagnostics and laboratory medicine — Vol. 43, no. 10, p. 1989-1991 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Is it right to promote living donor liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure in pediatric recipients?
    Reding, Raymond[UCL] (2005) American Journal of Transplantation — Vol. 5, no. 7, p. 1587-1591 (2005)
    • Journal article
    Spontaneous meso-portal shunt following orthotopic liver transplantation in a child.
    Vannevel, Grégory[UCL] Clapuyt, Philippe[UCL] Reding, Raymond[UCL] Menten, Renaud[UCL] (2010) Pediatric Radiology : roentgenology, nuclear medicine, ultrasonics, CT, MRI — Vol. 40, no. suppl.1, p. 92-94 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Permanent access to the portal system for cellular transplantation using an implantable port device.
    Darwish, Ahmed A[UCL] Sokal, Etienne[UCL] Stéphenne, Xavier[UCL] Najimi, Mustapha[UCL] de Goyet, Jean de Ville[UCL] Reding, Raymond[UCL] (2004) Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society — Vol. 10, no. 9, p. 1213-5 (2004)
    • Journal article
    Revisiting liver transplant immunology: from the concept of immune engagement to the dualistic pathway paradigm.
    Reding, Raymond[UCL] Davies, Hugh F S (2004) Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society — Vol. 10, no. 9, p. 1081-6 (2004)
    • Journal article
    Qualité des soins et qualité de vie des enfants atteints de pathologies anorectales et de leurs familles
    Renard, Florence[UCL] Reding, Raymond[UCL] Crispin, Brigitte[UCL] Libion, France[UCL] Deccache, Alain[UCL] (2001) Bulletin d'éducation du patient à sa maladie — Vol. 20, no.4, p. 10-17 (2001)
