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Displaying 1 - 25 of 386 results.


    • Journal article
    Laudatio to Prof. Masatoshi Makuuchi, honorary member of ESOT - Prague 2007
    Lerut, Jan[UCL] (2008) Transplant International — Vol. 21, no. 6, p. 612-614 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Technical problems in shipped hepatic allografts: the UCL experience
    Lerut, Jan[UCL] Reding, Raymond[UCL] de Ville de Goyet, Jean[UCL] Baranski, A. Barker, A. Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] (1994) Transplant International — Vol. 7, no. 4, p. 297-301 (1994)
    • Journal article
    Diffuse liver angiosarcoma and cerebral cavernous angiomas in a young patient.
    Janssens, Julien[UCL] Boland, Benoît[UCL] Draguet, A P Van Beers, Bernard[UCL] Godfraind, Catherine[UCL] Rahier, Jacques[UCL] Lerut, Jan[UCL] Geubel, André[UCL] (1999) Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica — Vol. 62, no. 4, p. 446-9 (1999)
    • Journal article
    IMx tacrolimus II vs IMx tacrolimus microparticle enzyme immunoassay evaluated in renal and hepatic transplant patients
    Wallemacq, Pierre[UCL] Leal, Teresinha[UCL] Besse, Tatiana Squifflet, Jean-Paul[UCL] Reding, Raymond[UCL] Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] Lerut, Jan[UCL] Hassoun, Alexandre (1997) Clinical Chemistry : international journal of molecular diagnostics and laboratory medicine — Vol. 43, no. 10, p. 1989-1991 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Cancer de l'estomac restant après chirurgie pour maladie ulcéreuse bénigne.
    Gianello, Pierre[UCL] Lerut, Jan[UCL] Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] Kestens, Paul[UCL] (1983) Revue Francaise de Gastro-Enterologie — Vol. 192, p. 20-27 (1983)
    • Journal article
    Minimization of steroids in liver transplantation
    Lerut, Jan[UCL] Bonaccorsi Riani, Eliano[UCL] Finet, Patrice Gianello, Pierre[UCL] (2009) Transplant International — Vol. 22, no. 1, p. 2-19 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Liver transplantation and vascular tumours.
    Bonaccorsi Riani, Eliano[UCL] Lerut, Jan[UCL] (2010) Transplant International — Vol. 23, no. 7, p. 686-691 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Genes and metals: a deadly combination.
    Dhawan, A Ferenci, P Geubel, André[UCL] Houwen, R Lerut, Jan[UCL] Sokal, Etienne[UCL] (2005) Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica — Vol. 68, no. 1, p. 26-32 (2005)
