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Displaying 1 - 25 of 3827 results.


    • Journal article
    An algorithm oriented mesh database
    Remacle, J.F. Shepard, M.S. (2003) International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering — Vol. 58, no.2, p. 349-374 (2003)
    • BookChapter
    Organizational citizenship and corporate citizenship: two constructs, one research theme?
    Swaen, Valérie[UCL] Maignan, Isabelle (2003) Business Rites, Writs and Responsibilities: Readings on Ethics and Social Impact Management —
    • Journal article
    Chirurgie de l'avant pied : indications et considérations actuelles
    Leemrijse, Thibaut[UCL] (2003) Louvain médical — , no.122, p. S346-S351 (2003)
    • BookChapter
    La politique étrangère de la Belgique et l’intégration européenne sous l’ère Harmel, 1965-1973
    Dujardin, Vincent[UCL] (2003) La Belgique, les petits Etats et la construction européenne du XXe et XXIe siècle. Actes de colloque — [ISBN : 9052012172]
    • BookChapter
    La Belgique et la guerre du Viêt-nam
    Dujardin, Vincent[UCL] (2003) La guerre du Vietnam et l’Europe (1963-1973) — [ISBN : 978-2802717881]
    • Journal article
    Bien faire l'amour après un bébé
    Bastien, Danielle[UCL] Mimoun, Sylvain Brenot, Philippe (2003) Santé magazine — , no.328, p. 146-148 (2003)
    • Journal article
    Patient's rights: a figment for patients, a threat to surgeons!
    Squifflet, J P[UCL] (2003) Acta chirurgica Belgica — Vol. 103, no.2, p. 118-9 (2003)
    • Journal article
    Se répéter, se contredire : Pour saluer Theun de Vries
    Marcipont, Christian[USL-B] (2003) Septentrion : Arts, lettres et culture de flandre et des Pays-Bas — Vol. XXXII, p. 50-54
    • Journal article
    "Psyché" et "Fidessa" : Louis Couperus revisiteur revisité
    Marcipont, Christian[USL-B] (2003) Septentrion : Arts, lettres et culture de Flandre et des Pays-Bas — Vol. XXXII, p. 78-80
    • Journal article
    A new, liquid-based cytology technique.
    Weynand, Birgit[UCL] Berlière, Martine[UCL] Haumont, Esther[UCL] Massart, Françoise[UCL] Pourvoyeur, Anne[UCL] Bernard, Pierre[UCL] Donnez, Jacques[UCL] Galant, Christine[UCL] (2003) Acta cytologica — Vol. 47, no. 2, p. 149-153 (2003)
    • Journal article
    In children, the addition of epinephrine modifies the pharmacokinetics of ropivacaine injected caudally.
    Van Obbergh, Luc[UCL] Roelants, Fabienne[UCL] Veyckemans, Francis[UCL] Verbeeck, Roger-K.[UCL] (2003) Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthésie — Vol. 50, no. 6, p. 593-8 (2003)
    • Journal article
    How to improve the incorporation of massive allografts?
    Delloye, Christian[UCL] (2003) La Chirurgia degli organi di movimento — Vol. 88, no. 4, p. 335-343 (2003)
    • Journal article
    Perioperative management of a CADASIL type arteriopathy patient.
    Dieu, J. H.[UCL] Veyckemans, Francis[UCL] (2003) British Journal of Anaesthesia — Vol. 91, no. 3, p. 442-444 (2003)
    • Journal article
    Phonosurgery of the vocal folds: a classification proposal.
    Remacle, Marc[UCL] Friedrich, G Dikkers, F G de Jong, F (2003) European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery — Vol. 260, no. 1, p. 1-6 (2003)
    • Journal article
    The medical management of primary open-angle glaucoma in the elderly patient.
    Schoevaerdts, Didier Levecq, Laurent Vanpee, Dominique[UCL] Swine, Christian[UCL] (2003) Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie — Vol. 36, no. 2, p. 121-3 (2003)
    • Journal article
    The impact of reimbursement criteria on the appropriateness of 'statin' prescribing.
    Autier, Philippe Creplet, Jean Vansant, Greet Brohet, Christian[UCL] Paquot, Nicolas Muls, Erik Mullie, Patrick Grivegnée, André-Robert (2003) European journal of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation : official journal of the European Society of Cardiology, Working Groups on Epidemiology & Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology — Vol. 10, no. 6, p. 456-62 (2003)
