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Displaying 81 - 225 of 1942 results.


    • Journal article
    Preconditioning of self-consistent-field cycles in density-functional theory: The extrapolar method
    Anglade, P. -M.[UCL] Gonze, Xavier[UCL] (2008) Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics — Vol. 78, no. 4, p. 045126 : 1-11 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Density functional perturbation theory with spin-orbit coupling: Phonon band structure of lead
    Verstraete, Matthieu J.[UCL] Torrent, Marc Jollet, Francois Zerah, Gilles Gonze, Xavier[UCL] (2008) Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics — Vol. 78, no. 4, p. 045119 : 1-9 (2008)
    • Journal article
    An object-based change detection method accounting for temporal dependences in time series with medium to coarse spatial resolution
    Bontemps, Sophie[UCL] Bogaert, Patrick[UCL] Titeux, Nicolas[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] (2008) Remote Sensing of Environment : an interdisciplinary journal — Vol. 112, no. 6, p. 3181-3191 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Formation reorganization by primitive operations on directed graphs
    Hendrickx, Julien[UCL] Fidan, Baris Yu, Changbin (Brad) Anderson, Brian D. O. Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2008) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control — Vol. 53, no. 4, p. 968-979 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Metal based neurodegenerative diseases - From molecular mechanisms to therapeutic strategies
    Crichton, Robert[UCL] Dexter, D. T. Ward, Roberta J.[UCL] (2008) Coordination Chemistry Reviews — Vol. 252, no. 10-11, p. 1189-1199 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Upland Cotton Case Prepared for the ALI Project on the Case Law of the WTO Comment
    Vandenbussche, Hylke[UCL] (2008) World Trade Review — Vol. 7, no. 1, p. 211-217 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Von den Kreuzfahrerstaaten in das Königreich Georgien
    Halfter, Peter[UCL] (2008) Le muséon - revue d'études orientales — Vol. 121, no. 3-4, p. 403-436 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Estimation of laboratory-scale dispersivities using an annulus-and-core device
    Frippiat, Christophe C.[UCL] Perez, Patrick Conde Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2008) Journal of Hydrology — Vol. 362, no. 1-2, p. 57-68 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Precipitation water storage capacity in a temperate mixed oak-beech canopy
    André, Frédéric[UCL] Jonard, Mathieu[UCL] Ponette, Quentin[UCL] (2008) Hydrological Processes — Vol. 22, no. 20, p. 4130-4141 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Scaling limits of a tagged particle in the exclusion process with variable diffusion coefficient
    Goncalves, Patricia Jara, Milton[UCL] (2008) Journal of Statistical Physics — Vol. 132, no. 6, p. 1135-1143 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Outage probability analysis of a MIMO relay channel with orthogonal space-time block codes
    Chalise, Batu K.[UCL] Vandendorpe, Luc[UCL] (2008) IEEE Communications Letters — Vol. 12, no. 4, p. 280-282 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Rheological properties of flowable resin composites and pit and fissure sealants.
    Beun, Sébastien[UCL] Bailly, Christian[UCL] Devaux, Jacques[UCL] Leloup, Gaëtane[UCL] (2008) Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials — Vol. 24, no. 4, p. 548-55 (2008)
