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Displaying 1 - 25 of 147 results.


    • Speech
    Update synthesis: The fate of organic carbon upon thaw also depends on interactions with mineral elements
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2020) 10th Annual Meeting of the Permafrost Carbon Network — Virtual
    • Speech
    Continental weathering and biological cycling: tracing with silicon isotopes
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2012) Workshop on Weathering and Erosion (Ebelman’s meeting) — Académie des Sciences de Paris, Paris, France
    • Speech
    The evolving isotopic toolbox
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2013) Gordon Research Conference - Catchment Science — Andover, NH, US
    • Speech
    Influence of rapid sea ice loss events on permafrost
    Osy de Zegwaart-Favart, Cécile[UCL] Massonnet, François[UCL] Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2023) 6th European Conference on Permafrost — Puigcerdà
    • Speech
    Tracing changes in mineral-organic carbon interactions upon permafrost thaw
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2023) BrIAS Workshop 13 “Carbon and Climate Change – from the atmosphere to the bottom of the ocean” — Brussels
    • Speech
    The Changing Arctic Critical Zone
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2023) Circle U Thematic seminar: Climate & Water — Berlin
