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Displaying 31 - 100 of 3003 results.


    • Journal article
    Glycerol acetylation on sulphated zirconia in mild conditions
    Dosuna Rodriguez, Inmaculada[UCL] Adriany, Corentin[UCL] Gaigneaux, Eric M.[UCL] (2011) Catalysis Today — Vol. 167, p. 56-63 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Varieties of Capitalism and Financial Cooperation between Employers: the Initial and Continuous Vocational Trainings in Comparison
    Cognard, Etienne[UCL] (2011) European Journal of Industrial Relations — Vol. 17, no.1, p. 25-40 (March)
    • Journal article
    PGAA metals analysis in tailings in Zaida abandoned mine, high Moulouya, Morocco
    Bounakhala, M Embarch, K Tahri, M Baghdad, Bouamar Naimi, Mounir Bouabdili, A Sonnet, Philippe[UCL] Révay, Zs. Belgya, T. (2011) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry : an international journal dealing with all aspects and applications of nuclear chemistry — Vol. 291, no. 1, p. 129-135 (10 July 2011)
    • Journal article
    Role of biomarkers in guiding treatment with aldosterone-blocking agents
    Zannad, Faiez Ketelslegers, Jean-Marie[UCL] Bramlage, Peter (2011) European Heart Journal Supplements — Vol. 13, no. Suppl B, p. B31-B35 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Catechins and derived procyanidins in red and white sorghum. Their contributions to antioxidant activity
    Bröhan, Meike[UCL] Jerkovic, Vesna[UCL] Wilmotte, Rodrigue[UCL] Collin, Sonia[UCL] (2011) Institute of Brewing. Journal — Vol. 117, no. 4, p. 600-607 (2011)
    • Journal article
    European sectoral social dialogue and national social partners
    Perin, Emmanuelle[UCL] Léonard, Evelyne[UCL] (2011) Transfer : European review of labour and research — Vol. 17, no. 2, p. 159-168 (2011)
    • Journal article
    A second-moment incremental formulation for the mean-field homogenization of elasto-plastic composites
    Doghri, I.[UCL] Brassart, L.[UCL] Adam, L. Gérard, J.-S. (2011) International Journal of Plasticity — Vol. 27, no.3, p. 352-371 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Compact cavity resonators using high impedance surfaces
    Dancila, Dragos[UCL] Rottenberg, Xavier Focant, Nicolas[UCL] Tilmans, Harrie De Raedt, Walter Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] (2011) Applied Physics A : materials science & processing — Vol. 103, no. 3, p. 799-804 (March 2011)
    • Journal article
    In-situ optical emission spectrometry during galvanostatic aluminum anodising
    Mercier, Dimitri[UCL] Van Overmeere, Quentin[UCL] Santoro, Ronny[UCL] Proost, Joris[UCL] (2011) Electrochimica Acta — Vol. 56, no. 3, p. 1329-1336 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Study of charge effect during Cs+ sputtering of polystyrene in the pre-equilibrium regime
    Wahoud, Fouad[UCL] Mouhib, Taoufiq[UCL] Audinot, J.N.[UCL] Delcorte, Arnaud[UCL] Migeon, H.N.[UCL] (2011) Surface and Interface Analysis — Vol. 43 , p. 201–203 (2011)
    • Journal article
    La bibliothérapie : un outil thérapeutique efficace pour les dysfonctions sexuelles féminines?
    Hubin, Alexandra[UCL] De Sutter, Pascal[UCL] Reynaert, Christine[UCL] (2011) Sexologies : revue europeenne de sante sexuelle - european journal of sexual health — Vol. 20, no. 2, p. 119-124 (2011)
    • Journal article
    La céramique carolingienne de Tournai (Hainaut, Belgique)
    De Longueville, Sylvie[UCL] (2011) Documents d'archéologie régionale — Vol. 5 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Dégradation et déforestation, enjeux majeurs
    Baudry, Olivier[UCL] Ponette, Quentin[UCL] Vincke, Caroline[UCL] (2011) Louvain — Vol. 188, p. 22-23 (Avril-Mai)
    • Journal article
    Studies in Perenniporia. African taxa VI. A new species and a new record of Perenniporia from Afromontane forests of Ethiopia.
    Decock, Cony[UCL] Bitew, A. (2011) Plant Ecology and Evolution — Vol. 145, no. 2, p. 272-278 (2012)
    • Journal article
    Transoral CO2 laser partial laryngectomies using the digital scanning system
    Matar, Nayla[UCL] Remacle, Marc[UCL] Lawson, Georges[UCL] Bachy, Vincent[UCL] (2011) Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery — Vol. 22, no.2, p. 122-127 (2011)
    • Journal article
    How does Belgium consider environmental taxation ?
    Malherbe, Jacques[UCL] (2011) Revista del Instituto peruano de derecho tributario — , no.51, p. 7 - 27 (avril 2011)
    • Journal article
    Recension de Heidegger and the Earth. Essays in Environmental Philosophy de Ladelle McWhorther et Gail Stenstad, par David Kelly
    Perrin, Christophe[UCL] (2011) Archives de philosophie/Bulletin heideggérien — Vol. x, no.1, p. 72-75 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Les fouilles de la rue Perdue à Tournai
    Bouche , Yohanne[UCL] Espel, Geoffrey[UCL] Weinkauf, Erika[UCL] (2011) La Lettre du Patrimoine — Vol. 22, no./, p. 19 (2011)
