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Displaying 23391 - 58500 of 59472 results.


    • Speech
    A thermodynamic approach towards Lyapunov based control of reaction rate
    Hoang, Ngoc Ha[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] Hudon, Nicolas[UCL] (2014) IFAC World Congress 2014 — Cape Town, South Africa
    • Speech
    La scène cryptée. La structure du secret dans le théâtre de Crommelynck
    Piret, Pierre[UCL] (1999) Le secret: motif et moteur de la littérature — Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Speech
    On classifying coherence relations and connectives
    Degand, Liesbeth[UCL] (1998) ACL98/COLING Workshop on Discourse Relations and Discourse Markers — Montreal
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    Mutual Information: an Adequate Tool for Feature Selection
    Frénay, Benoît[UCL] Doquire, Gauthier[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2013) 22nd edition of the annual Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (BENELEARN 2013) — Nijmegen (the Netherlands)
    • Speech
    Energy-saving renovation works in private dwellings and environmental knowledge: a comparison between Bulgaria & Latvia
    Bartiaux, Françoise[UCL] Gosselain, Véronique[UCL] Ozoliņa, Līga Garā, Evita Vassileva, Dobrina Stamova, Grozdanka (2010) “Remaking the Social. New Risks and Solidarities – Session: Environmental values and environmental change. Building green citizenship in East-Central Europe” — Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, Roumania
    • Speech
    Radio Channel Models for Search-and-Rescue Missions into Collapsed Structures
    Oestges, Claude[UCL] (2013) URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS — Hiroshima, Japan
    • Speech
    Are TCP Extensions Middlebox-proof ?
    Hesmans, Benjamin[UCL] Duchêne, Fabien[UCL] Paasch, Christoph[UCL] Detal, Gregory[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2013) ACM CoNEXT 2013 - HotMiddlebox — Santa Barbara, California
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    SOI nano device fabrication
    Tang, Xiaohui[UCL] Reckinger, Nicolas[UCL] Bayot, Vincent[UCL] (2004) NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Science and Technology of Semiconductor-On-Insulator Structures and Devices Operating in a Harsh Environment 2004 — Kiev (Ukraine)
    • Speech
    Deforestation of primary forest and its impact on slope stability
    Guns, Marie[UCL] Vanacker, Veerle[UCL] (2010) Proceedings of international conference : Triggering of Rapid Mass Movements in Steep Terrains - Mechanisms and Risks — Monte Verita, Switzerland
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    L'Initiative Citoyenne Européenne: une opportunité pour les communautés de pratiques au sein des associations de la société civile européenne?
    Dufrasne, Marie[FUSL] (2014) Journée d'étude sur la démocratie participative — Parlement francophone bruxellois, Bruxelles
    • Speech
    Synchronization of rotations via Riemannian trust-regions
    Boumal, Nicolas[UCL] Singer, Amit Absil, Pierre-Antoine[UCL] (2012) SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (SIAM/LA) — Valencia, Spain
    • Speech
    The AMS-02 tracker performance
    AMS-02-Tracker Collaboration Cortina Gil, Eduardo[UCL] (2003) Proceedings of 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2003) — Tsukuba, Japan
