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Displaying 18 results.
    • Speech
    Landowner and hunter's rights over red deer stocks management in several regions in Europe.
    Farcy, Christine[UCL] (2015) 11th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics — Leeds
    • Speech
    Assessing the cognitive autonomy of audiences towards environmental media messages
    Fastrez, Pierre[UCL] Meurice, Coralie[UCL] De Smedt, Thierry[UCL] Matagne, Julie[UCL] (2015) COCE 2013: Conference on Communication and Environment — Uppsala, Sweden
    • Speech
    L’apport des corrections à l’étude des graphies en moyen français. L’exemple de Christine de Pizan
    Delsaux, Olivier[UCL] Reno, Christine (2015) XXVIIe Congrès international de Linguistique et de Philologie romanes — Nancy
    • Speech
    (Dis)fluency annotation across corpora: One protocol to rule them all
    Crible, Ludivine[UCL] Dumont, Amandine[UCL] Grosman, Iulia[UCL] Notarrigo, Ingrid (2015) 3rd ARC Fluency-Disfluency Workshop — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    Combining Corpus and Experimental Methods: Towards a Cognitively and Socially Integrated Definition of Fluency
    Grosman, Iulia[UCL] (2015) 3rd ARC Fluency-Disfluency Workshop — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
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    Retards de consolidation et leur traitement chirurgical
    Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] (2015) 15èmes Mises au point en imagerie Ostéo-articulaire — (France) Lille
    • Speech
    Energy efficient precoder design for MIMO-OFDM with rate-dependent circuit power
    Wang, Zijian[UCL] Stupia, Ivan[UCL] Vandendorpe, Luc[UCL] (2015) IEEE international conference on communications — London
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    Parsing Expression Grammars Made Practical
    Laurent, Nicolas[UCL] Mens, Kim[UCL] (2015) 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2015) — Pittsburg, USA
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    Le système de jeu comme support de l'activité cognitive du joueur: le cas des MMORPG.
    Philippette, Thibault[UCL] (2015) Game Studies ? à la française ! (4ème édition) : "Les supports du jeu vidéo" — Université Paris 13
    • Speech
    MinNorm approximation of MaxEnt/MinDiv problems for probability tables
    Bogaert, Patrick[UCL] Gengler, Sarah[UCL] (2015) Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt 2014) — Clos Lucé, Amboise, France