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Displaying 10 results.
    • Speech
    Erosion hydrique et conservation des sols: où va notre sol?
    Bielders, Charles[UCL] (2007) Projet MESAM, Journée inter-régionale "Maîtriser l'érosion agricole dans nos régions" — Brexent Enocq, France
    • Speech
    Toward farm specific recommendations for the use of mineral fertilizers in sahelian crop-livestock systems
    Gérard, Bruno[UCL] Fatondji, D. Dandois, C. Manyame, C. Bielders, Charles[UCL] (2007) 16th International Symposium of the Inernational Scientific Centre of Fertilizers: Mineral versus organic fertilization: conflict or synergism? — Ghent, Belgium
    • Speech
    A cost-benefit analysis of measures mitigating muddy floods in central Belgium
    Evrard, Olivier[UCL] van Wesemael, Bas[UCL] Bielders, Charles[UCL] Vandaele, K. (2007) COST 634 small group meeting on "Socio-economics of erosion" — Müncheberg (Germany)
    • Speech
    Effects of destruction and burial dates of cover crops on runoff, erosion and phosphorus losses in a maize cropping system
    Laloy, Eric[UCL] Bielders, Charles[UCL] (2007) COST Action 868 "Mitigation options for nutrient reduction in surface water and groundwaters" - WG3 Mitigation options: framework, effectiveness and interactions — North Wyke, Devon, United Kingdom
    • Speech
    Applicability and reliability of runoff/erosion expert-based models: application of STREAM in different environments with different expertise levels
    Evrard, Olivier[UCL] Cerdan, Olivier[UCL] Chauvet, M. Le Bissonnais, Y. Vandaele, K. van Wesemael, Bas[UCL] Bielders, Charles[UCL] (2007) COST 634 conference on "Soil and Hillslope Management using scenario analysis and runoff-erosion models: a critical evaluation of current techniques" — Florence (Italy)
    • Speech
    Efficiency of pilot measures to mitigate muddy floods at small and medium catchment scales in the Belgian loess belt
    Evrard, Olivier[UCL] Vandaele, K. Bielders, Charles[UCL] van Wesemael, Bas[UCL] (2007) Cost634 International Conference "Off-site impacts of soil erosion and sediment transport" — Prague, Czech Republic
    • Speech
    Modeling integrated fertility management strategies for pearl millet in the Sahel
    Akponikpe, Pierre[UCL] Bielders, Charles[UCL] Gérard, Bruno[UCL] Michels, K. (2007) 16th International Symposium of the International Scientific Centre of Fertilizers: Mineral versus organic fertilization: conflict or synergism? — Ghent, Belgium