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Displaying 1 - 25 of 9401 results.


    • Journal article
    Costs and Benefits of Including or Omitting Interaction Terms: A Monte Carlo Simulation
    Mikucka, Malgorzata[UCL] (2016) Sociological Methods & Research — Vol. 0, no.0, p. 0 (0)
    • Journal article
    L'allocation universelle. Garantir du temps pour prendre du recul
    De Bouver, Emeline[UCL] (2016) En Question — Vol. 117, no.avril-juin, p. 13-20 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Infinite dimensional moment map geometry and closed Fedosov’s star products
    La Fuente-Gravy, Laurent[UCL] (2016) Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry — Vol. 49, no.1, p. 1-22 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Existence and non-existence results for the SU (3) singular Toda system on compact surfaces
    Battaglia, Luca[UCL] Malchiodi, Andrea[UCL] (2016) Journal of Functional Analysis — Vol. 270, no.10, p. 3750-3807 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Tight bound on mobile Byzantine Agreement
    Bonnet, François Défago, Xavier Nguyen, Thanh Dang[UCL] Potop-Butucaru, Maria (2016) Theoretical Computer Science — Vol. 609, p. 361-373 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Prescribed mean curvature graphs with Neumann boundary conditions in some FLRW spacetimes
    Mawhin, Jean[UCL] Torres, Pedro J. (2016) Journal of Differential Equations — Vol. 261, no.12, p. 7145-7156 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Amenable invariant random subgroups
    Bader, Uri Duchesne, Bruno Lécureux, Jean Wesolek, Phillip[UCL] (2016) Israel Journal of Mathematics — Vol. 213, no.1, p. 399-422 (2016)
    • BookChapter
    Les activités parascolaires
    Zelis, Guy[UCL] (2016) L'enseignement catholique en Belgique. Des identités en évolution, 19e-21e siècles — [ISBN : 978-2-87438-642-8]
    • Journal article
    The diurnal libration and interior structure of Enceladus
    Hoolst, Tim Van Baland, Rose-Marie[UCL] Trinh, Antony (2016) Icarus — Vol. 277, p. 311-318 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Sums of random matrices and the Potts model on random planar maps
    Atkin, Maw R.[UCL] Niedner, Benjamin Wheater, John F (2016) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical — Vol. 49, no.18, p. 185201 (2016)
    • Journal article
    L’islam contemporain en Europe
    N. El'Makrini et B. Maréchal[UCL] (2016) Lectures : la revue des bibliothèques —
    • Journal article
    Has the 2008 financial crisis affected stock market efficiency? The case of Eurozone
    Anagnostidis, P. Varsakelis, C.[UCL] Emmanouilides, C.J. (2016) Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications — Vol. 447, p. 116-128 (2016)
    • BookChapter
    Disseminating knowledge with managerial practices
    Vas, Alain[UCL] Lejeune, C. (2016) Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Companies : sharing multiple perspectives — [ISBN : 9782343109299]
    • BookChapter
    mémoire de la colonisation, race et citoyennetés postcoloniales
    Demart, Sarah[USL-B] (2016) Mémoires déclinées. Représentations, actions, projections et Identité. — [ISBN : 978-2-930408-34-7]
    • Journal article
    Editorial. Enjeux et significations du travail collectif dans les systèmes éducatifs contemporains
    Lefeuvre, Gwenaël Dumay, Xavier[UCL] (2016) Les Dossiers des Sciences de l'Education — , no.35, p. 7-15 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Africanity and religious pluralism in Brazaville and Kinshasa cities
    Demart, Sarah[USL-B] Tonda Joseph (2016) Africa — Vol. 86, no.02, p. 195-214
    • Journal article
    High order implicit-explicit general linear methods with optimized stability regions
    Zhang, Hong Sandu, Adrian Blaise, Sébastien[UCL] (2016) SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing — Vol. 38, no.3, p. A1430-A1453 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Groups acting on trees with almost prescribed local action
    Le Boudec, Adrien[UCL] (2016) Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici — Vol. 91, no.2, p. 253-293 (2016)
