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Displaying 1 - 25 of 3669 results.


    • Journal article
    Nonequilibrium dynamics of scalar fields in a thermal bath
    Anisimov, A. Buchmüller, W. Drewes, Marco[UCL] Mendizabal, S. (2009) Annals of Physics — Vol. 324, no.6, p. 1234-1260 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Lessius and the breakdown of the scholastic paradigm
    Decock, Wim[UCL] (2009) Journal of the history of economic thought — Vol. 2009, no.31, p. 57-78
    • Journal article
    Le penser en mouvement
    Klimis, Sophie[USL-B] (2009) Nouvelles de Danse — , no.43, p. 7-8 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Adolescents choosing self-harm as an emotion regulation strategy : the protective role of trait emotional intelligence
    Mikolajczak, Moïra[UCL] Petrides, K. V. Hurry, Jane (2009) The British journal of clinical psychology — Vol. 48, no. 2, p. 181-93 (2009)
    • Journal article
    ABA, porphyrins and plant TSPO-related protein
    Guillaumot, Damien[UCL] Guillon, Stéphanie Morsomme, Pierre[UCL] Batoko, Henri[UCL] (2009) Plant signaling & behavior — Vol. 4, no. 11, p. 1087-90 (2009)
    • Journal article
    The combinatorial model for the Sullivan functor on simplicial sets
    Félix, Yves[UCL] Jessup, Barry Parent, Paul-Eugene (2009) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra — Vol. 213, no. 2, p. 231-240 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Optimal integration of gravity in trajectory planning of vertical pointing movements.
    Crevecoeur, Frédéric[UCL] Thonnard, Jean-Louis[UCL] Lefèvre, Philippe[UCL] (2009) Journal of Neurophysiology — Vol. 102, no. 2, p. 786-796 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Gut microbiota and pregnancy, a matter of inner life
    Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] (2009) The British Journal of Nutrition : an international journal of nutritional science — Vol. 101, no. 11, p. 1579-1580 (2009)
    • Journal article
    The impact of the assay for measuring albumin on corrected ('adjusted') calcium concentrations
    Labriola, Laura[UCL] Wallemacq, Pierre[UCL] Gulbis, Béatrice Jadoul, Michel[UCL] (2009) Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation — Vol. 24, no. 6, p. 1834-1838 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Shortcomings of current models of glucose-induced insulin secretion.
    Henquin, Jean-Claude[UCL] Nenquin, Myriam[UCL] Ravier, M A Szollosi, Andras[UCL] (2009) Diabetes, obesity & metabolism — Vol. 11 Suppl 4, p. 168-179 (2009)
    • Journal article
    In situ modulation of oxidative stress: a novel and efficient strategy to kill cancer cells
    Verrax, Julien[UCL] Pedrosa, R Curi[UCL] Beck, Raphaël[UCL] Dejeans, Nicolas[UCL] Taper, Henryk[UCL] Buc Calderon, Pedro[UCL] (2009) Current Medicinal Chemistry — Vol. 16, no. 15, p. 1821-1830 (2009)
