
Displaying 51 - 60 of 6602 results.


  1. Cracking the Maya code and Caves of the Maya dead : sous-titrage commenté
    By : Van Steenkiste, Mégane[UCL] Directed by : Collins, Anne-Marie[UCL] (2018) Faculté de philosophie, arts et lettres

  2. Expatriate training effectiveness in Chinese MNCs : four case studies
    By : Xing, Fei[UCL] Directed by : Ehnert , Ina (2015) Louvain School of Management

  3. Multiple object tracking combining camera and radar
    By : Deleval, Christophe[UCL] Lahy, Maxime[UCL] Directed by : Craeye, Christophe[UCL] Macq, Benoît[UCL] (2017) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

  4. Automatic scheduling for master thesis defenses
    By : Fastré, Ludovic[UCL] Directed by : Schaus, Pierre[UCL] Glineur, François[UCL] (2017) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain
