Displaying 1 - 10 of 22 results.
Contrôle robuste inspiré par l'être humain de mouvements d'atteinte dans un champ de force(2017) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain
Brain networks : classification and controllability(2017) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain
Adaptive human reaching movements : modelling of sub-movement motor learning : sensory delays and curl field perturbations(2019) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain
Role of cutaneous and proprioceptive components in object manipulation tasks(2017) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain
Experimental testing of a sensorimotor origin of saccadic suppression(2018) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain
Adaptive control during reaching movements in humans(2018) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain
Understanding and improving navigation to enhance autonomy in children with cerebral palsy: a pilot trial.(2020) Faculté des sciences de la motricité
Robust and adaptive reaching control in human : modulation of control strategies across contexts(2020) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain
Differences between right and left arms in human reaching adaptation(2020) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain
Simulation of the stride-to-stride variability of patients with Parkinson’s disease and prediction of the impact of a robotic assistance(2021) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain