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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 27 results.


    • Journal article
    Multiflow QUIC: A Generic Multipath Transport Protocol
    De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2021) IEEE Communications Magazine — Vol. 59, no. 5, p. 108 - 113 (2021)
    • Journal article
    Open educational resources for computer networking
    Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Duchêne, Fabien[UCL] Gego, Anthony[UCL] Jadin, Mathieu[UCL] Michel, François[UCL] Piraux, Maxime[UCL] Poncin, Chantal[UCL] Olivier Tilmans (2020) ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review — Vol. 50, no.3, p. 38-45 (2020)
    • Journal article
    The Packet Number Space Debate in Multipath QUIC
    De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] (2022) ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review — Vol. 52, no.3, p. 2-9 (2022)
    • Journal article
    FlEC: Enhancing QUIC with application-tailored reliability mechanisms
    Michel, François[UCL] De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2022) IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking — (2022)
    • Journal article
    Leveraging eBPF to Make TCP Path-Aware
    Jadin, Mathieu[UCL] De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Navarre, Louis[UCL] Schapira, Michael Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2022) IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management — (2022)
    • Journal article
    Observing Real Smartphone Applications over Multipath TCP
    De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Baerts, Matthieu[UCL] Hesmans, Benjamin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2016) IEEE Communications Magazine — Vol. 54, no. 3, p. 88--93
    • Journal article
    Observing real Multipath TCP traffic
    Tran, Viet Hoang[UCL] De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Hesmans, Benjamin[UCL] Sadre, Ramin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2016) Computer Communications — Vol. 94, no. ?, p. 114–122 (15 November 2016)
    • Speech
    A First Analysis of Multipath TCP on Smartphones
    De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Baerts, Matthieu[UCL] Hesmans, Benjamin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2016) Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Workshop — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    Multipath QUIC : Design and Evaluation
    De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2017) the 13th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies - CoNEXT '17 — Incheon, Republic of Korea
    • Speech
    Tuning Multipath TCP for Interactive Applications on Smartphones
    De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2018) IFIP Networking 2018 — Zürich, Switzerland
    • Speech
    MultipathTester: Comparing MPTCP and MPQUIC in Mobile Environments
    De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2019) 3rd Workshop on Mobile Network Measurement (MNM’19) — Paris, France
    • Speech
    xBGP: Faster Innovation in Routing Protocols
    Wirtgen, Thomas[UCL] Rousseaux, Tom[UCL] De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Rybowski, Nicolas[UCL] Bush, Randy Vanbever, Laurent Legay, Axel[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2023) 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 23) — Boston, MA, USA
    • Speech
    The Case for Pluginized Routing Protocols
    Wirtgen, Thomas[UCL] Dénos, Cyril[UCL] De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Jadin, Mathieu[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2019) The 27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols - IEEE ICNP 2019 — Chicago, Illinois, USA
    • Speech
    A First Analysis of Multipath TCP on Smartphones
    De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Baerts, Matthieu[UCL] Hesmans, Benjamin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2016) 17th International Passive and Active Measurements Conference — Heraklion, Crete, Greece
    • Speech
    xBGP: When you can’t wait for the IETF and vendors
    Wirtgen, Thomas[UCL] De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Bush, Randy Vanbever, Laurent Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2020) The 19th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets ’20) — Virtual Event, USA
    • Speech
    Observing Network Handovers with Multipath TCP
    De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2018) the ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Conference — Budapest, Hungary
    • Speech
    Observing the Evolution of QUIC Implementations
    Piraux, Maxime[UCL] De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2018) Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies — Heraklion, Greece
    • Speech
    Voice-activated applications and Multipath TCP: A good match?
    Tran, Viet Hoang[UCL] De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Tazaki, Hajime Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2018) 2nd Workshop on Mobile Network Measurement (MNM’18) — Vienna, Austria
    • Speech
    Pluginizing QUIC
    De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Michel, François[UCL] Piraux, Maxime[UCL] Rochet, Florentin[UCL] Given-Wilson, Thomas[UCL] Legay, Axel[UCL] Pereira, Olivier[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2019) The ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication - SIGCOMM '19 — Beijing, China
    • Speech
    Implementing the plugin distribution system
    Rybowski, Nicolas[UCL] De Coninck, Quentin[UCL] Rousseaux, Tom[UCL] Legay, Axel[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2021) SIGCOMM '21: ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Conference — Virtual Event
