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Displaying 17 results.
    • Journal article
    Probing the neutron-proton asymmetry dependence of the nuclear source temperature with light charged particles
    Huang, Y.[Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology] Lin, W.[Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology] Zheng, H. Wada, R. Liu, X.[Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology] Qu, G.[Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology] Huang, M. Ren, P.[Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology] Han, J.[Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology] Rodrigues, M. R. D. Kowalski, S. Keutgen, Thomas[UCL] Hagel, K. Barbui, M. Bonasera, A. Natowitz, J. B. (2020) Physical Review c — Vol. 101, no.6 (2020)
    • Speech
    The Isospin Dependence of the Nuclear Phase Transition Near the Critical Point
    Chen, Z. Wada, R. Bonasera, A. Keutgen, Thomas[UCL] Hagel, K. Wang, J. Huang, M. Qin, L. Natowitz, J. Materna, T. Kowalski, S. Sahu, P. K. Nakagawa, T. (2010) International Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics in Heavy-Ion Reactions and the Symmetry Energy (IWND2009) — Shanghai(Peoples R China)
    • Journal article
    Average neutron detection efficiency for DEMON detectors
    Zhang, S. Lin, W. Rodrigues, M.R.D. Huang, M. Wada, R. Liu, X. Zhao, M. Jin, Z. Chen, Z. Keutgen, Thomas[UCL] Kowalski, S. Hagel, K. Barbui, M. Bonasera, A. Bottosso, C. Materna, T. Natowitz, J.B. Qin, L. Sahu, P.K. Schmidt, K.J. Wang, J. (2013) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment — Vol. 709, p. 68-71 (2013)