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Displaying 1 - 25 of 26 results.


    • Journal article
    Plant silicon isotopic signature might reflect soil weathering degree
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] Delvaux, Bruno[UCL] André, Luc Cardinal, Damien (2008) Biogeochemistry : an international journal — Vol. 91, no. 2-3, p. 163-175 (2008)
    • Speech
    Silicon isotope fractionation by banana under continuous nutrient and silica flow
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] Cardinal, Damien Henriet, Céline[UCL] Delvaux, Bruno[UCL] André, Luc (2005) Day of Young Soil Scientists, Belgian Society of Soil Science, 2005 — Brussels
    • Journal article
    Isotopic model of oceanic silicon cycling: The Kerguelen Plateau case study
    Debrauwere, Anouk[UCL] Fripiat, François Cardinal, Damien Cavagna, Anne-Julie De Ridder, Fjo André, Luc Elskens, Marc (2012) Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers — Vol. 70, p. 42-59 (2012)
    • Speech
    Si isotopes in presolar, solar and terrestrial components
    André, Luc Cardinal, Damien Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2006) Astrobiology and Habitability Workshop, 2006 — Brussels
    • Speech
    Silicon isotope fractionation between plant parts in banana: in situ vs. in vitro
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] Cardinal, Damien Henriet, Céline[UCL] André, Luc Delvaux, Bruno[UCL] (2005) Seventh International Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth's surface (GES-7), 2005 — Aix-en-Provence, France
    • Journal article
    Silicon isotope fractionation between plant parts in banana: In situ vs. in vitro
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] Cardinal, Damien Henriet, Céline[UCL] André, Luc Delvaux, Bruno[UCL] (2006) Journal of Geochemical Exploration — Vol. 88, no. 1-3, p. 224-227 (2006)
    • Speech
    Silicon isotopes in the soil-plant system
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] Cardinal, Damien André, Luc Delvaux, Bruno[UCL] (2010) UK Isotope Ratio MS Users Group SIMSUG, 2010 — University of Exeter, Devon, UK.
    • Speech
    Ge/Si ratios and Si isotopes tracing mechanisms controlling the release of dissolved silicon in forest soil solutions
    Cornélis, Jean-Thomas[UCL] Delvaux, Bruno[UCL] Cardinal, Damien André, Luc Ranger, Jacques Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2009) 3rd Workshop on the aqueous chemistry and biochemistry of silicon, Silicon by the sea — San Diego, USA
