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Displaying 11 - 50 of 200 results.


    • Journal article
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2005) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy —
    • BookChapter
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2012) Issues in Political Theory — [ISBN : 9780199572823]
    • Journal article
    Introduction: Representing Future Generations
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2015) Jurisprudence — Vol. 6, no.3, p. 492-566 (2015)
    • BookChapter
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2015) Issues in Political Theory (3d, revised edition) — [ISBN : 9780199680436]
    • BookChapter
    Discrimination par l'age
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2007) Dicopo- dictionnaire de théorie politique —
    • Journal article
    Indienii guarani si gratuitea semintelor
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2017) Argumente si Fapte — p. 20
    • BookChapter
    La generazioni, il fiume e l’oceano
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2017) Responsabilita verso la generazioni future. Una sfida al diritto all’etica e alla politica — [ISBN : N]
    • BookChapter
    Générations futures
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2015) Dictionnaire de la pensée écologique — [ISBN : 978-2-13-058696-8]
    • Journal article
    Justice, Posterity and the Environment (Book Review)
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2003) Ethics (Chicago) — Vol. 113, no.2, p. 391-393 (2003)
    • Journal article
    Environmental Philosophy Debate
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (1998) Ethics & the Environment — Vol. 3, no.1, p. 111-115 (1998)
    • Journal article
    L'éthique environnementale aujourd'hui
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (1998) Revue Philosophique de Louvain — Vol. 96, no. 3, p. 395-426 (1998)
    • BookChapter
    Intergenerational Justice
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2003) Oxford Handbook of Practical Ethics — [ISBN : 019824105-4]
    • Journal article
    Child v. Childmaker (Book Review)
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2001) Ethics & the Environment — Vol. 6, no.2, p. 114-118 (2001)
    • Journal article
    Quotas in International Environmental Agreements (Book Review)
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (1998) Review of European Community and International Environmental Law — Vol. 7, no.10, p. 109-110 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Emissions historiques et free-riding
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2003) Archives de Philosophie du Droit — Vol. 47, no. N, p. 301-331 (N)
    • Journal article
    Análise: O embate entre Guaranis e multinationais pelas propriedades da Stevia
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2017) Brasil de Fato — Vol. 10, p. 10
    • BookChapter
    Une utopie sans brebis?
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2015) Chemins de l'Utopie. Thomas More à Louvain 1516-2016 — [ISBN : 2-87558-396-4]
    • BookChapter
    Justice sociale
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2004) Notions — [ISBN : 978-2-8522-9551-3]
    • Journal article
    Future Generations and International Law (Book Review)
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (1999) Review of European Community and International Environmental Law — Vol. 8, no.2, p. 232 (1999)
    • Journal article
    Emotions et valeurs
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2001) Revue Philosophique de Louvain — Vol. 99, no.3, p. 507-511 (2001)
    • Journal article
    Libertarianism de stânga si hobbesianism de stânga
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2009) Revista de Filosofie Analitică — Vol. 3, no. 1, p. 45-61
    • Journal article
    Les contrats de rivière
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] Orban de Xivry, Etienne[FUSL] (1997) Aménagement, environnement, urbanisme et droit foncier : revue d'études juridiques — Vol. 21, no. Special issue, p. 64-73 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Generationengerichtigkeit und Finanzierung der Altersrenten
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2005) Soziale Sicherheit - CHSS — Vol. 13, no.5, p. 300-305 (2005)
    • Journal article
    Repos postnatal et vote obligatoire
    Gosseries, Axel[UCL] (2014) La Libre Belgique — Vol. Supp., no.Entreprise, p. 9 (3 mai 2014)
