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Displaying 81 - 225 of 3613 results.


    • Journal article
    Adrenal and renal surgery by the laparoscopic and/or retroperitoneoscopic approach
    De Canniere, Louis[UCL] Michel, Luc[UCL] (1997) Academy of Medicine, Singapore. Annals — Vol. 26, no. 3, p. 336-343 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Existe-t-il une place pour la thérapie génique en transplantation d'organes?
    Gianello, Pierre[UCL] (1997) Annales de Chirurgie — Vol. 51, no. 6, p. 593-604 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Manifestations, diagnostics et traitements des mycobactérioses non tuberculeuses chez le sujet non immunodéprimé
    Delaunois, Luc[UCL] Garrino, M.-G. (1997) Revue des Maladies Respiratoires — Vol. 14, no. Suppl 5, p. S130-S141 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Crossed cerebellar hypoperfusion in mesencephalic infarcts
    Laloux, Patrice[UCL] Meurisse, Hubert[UCL] De Coster, Patrick[UCL] (1997) Clinical Nuclear Medicine — Vol. 22, no. 6, p. 399-400 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Neuroarthropathy of the shoulder of unexpected origin
    Frankart, L.[UCL] Nisolle, Jean-François[UCL] Ayoubi, S.[UCL] Boutsen, Yves[UCL] Donckier, Julian[UCL] (1997) Clinical Rheumatology — Vol. 16, no. 4, p. 413-416 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Expression of hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 in rat liver is sex-dependent and regulated by growth hormone
    Lahuna, Olivier Fernandez, Leandro Karlsson, Hanna Maiter, Dominique[UCL] Lemaigre, Frédéric[UCL] Rousseau, Guy[UCL] Gustafsson, Jan-Ake Mode, Agneta (1997) Proceedings of the National academy of sciences of the United States of America — Vol. 94, no. 23, p. 12309-12313 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Papillary thyroid carcinoma: the last steps for an optimal treatment?
    Hamoir, Marc[UCL] (1997) Radiotherapy & Oncology — Vol. 44, no. 3, p. 199-202 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Surgical angioplasty of the left main coronary artery
    Dion, Robert Elias, Badwi El Khoury, Gébrine[UCL] Noirhomme, Philippe[UCL] Verhelst, Robert[UCL] Hanet, Claude[UCL] (1997) European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery — Vol. 11, no. 5, p. 857-864 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Hyperplasie adénomateuse du pancréas et mort subite du nourrisson
    Léger-Ravet, M.-B. Bouillie, C. Sempoux, Christine[UCL] Rahier, Jacques[UCL] Faucher, J.-N. (1997) Annales de Pathologie — Vol. 17, no. 3, p. 206-208 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Les oreilles décollées
    Pessey, Jean-Jacques Stoll, Dominique Boudard, Philippe Delonca, Denis Dumon, Thibaud Hamoir, Marc[UCL] Herman, Denis Négrevergne, Michel Portmann, Didier (1997) Revue de Laryngologie - Otologie - Rhinologie — Vol. 118, no. 1, p. 69-74 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Diverticules de Zenker : Chirurgie externe ou endoscopique?
    Hamoir, Marc[UCL] Rombaux, Philippe[UCL] (1997) La Presse Médicale — Vol. 26, no. 26, p. 1241-1242 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Subjective results after uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty
    Rombaux, Philippe[UCL] Hamoir, Marc[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] Liistro, Giuseppe[UCL] (1997) Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Belgica — Vol. 51, no. 3, p. 141-147 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Les facteurs pronostiques dans les cancers différenciés de la thyroïde (médullaires exclus)
    Hamoir, Marc[UCL] (1997) Annales d'Endocrinologie — Vol. 58, no. 6, p. 510 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Persistent left superior vena cava: transoesophageal echocardiographic findings and surgical strategies
    Broka, S. M. Ducart, A. R. Collard, Edith[UCL] Louagie, Yves[UCL] Eucher, Philippe[UCL] Delire, V. R. Joucken, Kurt[UCL] (1997) Acta Chirurgica Belgica (Bilingual Edition) — Vol. 97, no. 2, p. 86-89 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Cochlear implantation in patients with Cogan's syndrome: a review of four cases
    Minet, Michèle[UCL] Deggouj, Naima[UCL] Gersdorff, Michel[UCL] (1997) European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology — Vol. 254, no. 9-10, p. 459-462 (1997)
    • Journal article
    The vestibular neurectomy by retrosigmoid approach: operative technique and results
    Decat, Monique[UCL] Delvaux, J. Deggouj, Naima[UCL] Gersdorff, Michel[UCL] (1997) Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Belgica — Vol. 51, no. 2, p. 123-126 (1997)
