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Displaying 14 results.
    • Journal article
    Young scientists' congress in Brussels.
    Soares, Michelle[UCL] Dolmans, Marie-Madeleine[UCL] Donnez, Jacques (2015) Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics — Vol. 32, no. 8, p. 1165-1166 (2015)
    • Journal article
    Ovarian tissue freezing: current status
    Donnez, Jacques Dolmans, Marie-Madeleine[UCL] (2015) Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology — Vol. 27, no. 3, p. 222-230 (2015)
    • Journal article
    In vivo mechanisms of uterine myoma volume reduction with ulipristal acetate treatment.
    Courtoy, Guillaume[UCL] Donnez, Jacques Marbaix, Etienne[UCL] Dolmans, Marie-Madeleine[UCL] (2015) Fertility and Sterility — Vol. 104, no. 2, p. 426-434.e1 (2015)