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Displaying 12 results.
    • Speech
    Successful vitrification and autografting of baboon (Papio anubis) ovarian tissue
    Andrade Amorim, Christiani[UCL] Jacobs, Sophie[UCL] Devireddy, Ram Van Langendonckt, Anne[UCL] Vanacker, Julie[UCL] Jaeger, Jonathan[UCL] Donnez, Jacques[UCL] Dolmans, Marie-Madeleine[UCL] (2013) The 3rd International Congress on Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Reproductive Cells, Tissue & Organs — (Germany) Berlin
    • Journal article
    First transplantation of isolated murine follicles in alginate
    Vanacker, Julie[UCL] Dolmans, Marie-Madeleine[UCL] Luyckx, Valérie[UCL] Donnez, Jacques Andrade Amorim, Christiani[UCL] (2014) Regenerative Medicine — Vol. 9, no. 5, p. 609-619 (2014)