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Displaying 31 - 86 of 86 results.


    • BookChapter
    Funktionsverbgefüge in ein neues Licht setzen
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] Hermann, Manon[USL-B] (2020) Funktionsverbgefüge im Fokus: Theoretische, didaktische und kontrastive Perspektiven —
    • BookChapter
    A contrastive study of colour terms in French and German causal constructions
    De Knop, Sabine[FUSL] (2014) Multilingual Cognition and Language Use: Processing and Typological Perspectives —
    • BookChapter
    Construction-based language learning and teaching
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2025) Handbook of Construction Grammar —
    • BookChapter
    The family of German dative constructions
    De Knop, Sabine[FUSL] Mollica, Fabio (2017) Constructing Families of Constructions —
    • BookChapter
    Exploring L2 constructionist approaches
    Gilquin, Gaëtanelle[UCL] De Knop, Sabine[FUSL] (2016) Applied Construction Grammar — [ISBN : ISBN 978-3-11-045421-5; e-ISBN (pdf) 978-3-11-045826-8; e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-045618-9]
    • BookChapter
    A construction-based study of German ditransitive phraseologisms for language pedagogy
    De Knop, Sabine[FUSL] Mollica, Fabio (2016) Applied Construction Grammar — [ISBN : 978-3-11-045421-5; e-ISBN (pdf) 978-3-11-045826-8; e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-045618-9]
    • BookChapter
    From Construction Grammar to embodied construction practice
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2022) Construction Grammar across Borders — [ISBN : 9789027211484]
    • BookChapter
    Constructions and chunks/Konstruktionen und Chunks
    De Knop, Sabine[FUSL] (2017) Sprachenlernen und Kognition: Grundlagen einer kognitiven Sprachendidaktik — [ISBN : 978-3-8233-6931-8]
    • BookChapter
    The integration of frequency dimensions and lexicalization preferences in contrastive analysis
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2024) Constructional and Cognitive Explorations of Contrastive Linguistics — [ISBN : eBook ISBN 978-3-031-46602-1; Print ISBN 978-3-031-46601-4]
