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Displaying 18 results.
    • Speech
    Learning algorithms for discriminant function solution of the minimum error classification problem
    Dotu, H. (1976) 3rd International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition — Coronado, CA, USA
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    Photodiode quantum efficiency
    Van de Wiele, F. (1976) NATO Advanced Study Institute on Solid State Imaging — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
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    Les protéines contractiles du gastrocnémien de grenouille en régénération
    Maréchal, Georges[UCL] Plaghki, L.[UCL] Beckers-Bleukx, G.[UCL] (1976) Réunion de l'Association des physiologistes — Paris
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    XY addressing [of photosensor arrays]
    Jespers, Paul[UCL] (1976) NATO Advanced Study Institute on Solid State Imaging — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
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    Applicability of proton activation analysis to describe the occurrence of lead along a freeway in a rural area
    Desaedeleer, G. Ronneau, Claude[UCL] (1976) International Nuclear and Atomic Activation Analysis Conference and 19th Annual Meeting on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology — Gatlinburg, TN, USA
    • Speech
    On classification problem for decision-making in adaptive control systems
    Dotu, H. (1976) Proceedings of the 1976 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control including the 15th Symposium on Adaptive Processes — Clearwater, FL, USA
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    [Fall-out of pollutants from distant industrial areas in a rural environment]
    Ronneau, Claude[UCL] Desaedeleer, G. (1976) Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Development of Nuclear-Based Techniques for the Measurement, Detection and Control of Environmental Pollutants — Vienna, Austria
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    Phototransistor arrays
    Jespers, Paul[UCL] (1976) NATO Advanced Study Institute on Solid State Imaging — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
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    Backbending from band crossing
    Vervier, Jean[UCL] (1976) Proceedings of the International School of Physics `Enrico Fermi', Course LXII. Nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear reactions with heavy ions — Varenna, Italy
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    Application of the LGR system of telemeasurement on flow prediction
    Bazier, G. Persoons, Etienne[UCL] (1976) Proceedings of the IFIP Working Conference on Biosystems Simulation in Water Resources and Waste Problems — Bruges, Belgium
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    Determination of the chemical composition of iron aerosols: A means of tracing the source of iron in the atmosphere
    Desaedeleer, G. Mahieu, Bernard[UCL] Ladrière, Jean[UCL] (1976) International Symposium on the Development of Nuclear-Based Techniques for the Measurement, Detection and Control of Environmental Pollutants — Vienna, Austria
    • Speech
    Heavy ion acceleration at CYCLONE (Belgium)
    Jongen, Yves[UCL] Ryckewaert, Guido[UCL] (1976) Heavy ion sources — Gatlinburg, TN, USA
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    Anti-reflection films and multilayer structures
    Van de Wiele, F. (1976) NATO Advanced Study Institute on Solid State Imaging — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
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    Search for 2 gamma emission in pi capture: A progress report
    Deutsch, Jules[UCL] Favart, Denis[UCL] Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Macq, Pierre[UCL] Prieels, René[UCL] (1976) Proceedings of the International Topical Conference on Meson-Nuclear Physics — Pittsburgh, PA, USA
    • Speech
    Proton-induced X-ray emission analysis of roadway aerosol time-sequence filter samples for pollution control strategy
    Desaedeleer, G. Winchester, J.W. Pilotte, J.O. Nelson, J.W. Moffitt, H.A. (1976) Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Development of Nuclear-Based Techniques for the Measurement, Detection and Control of Environmental Pollutants — Vienna, Austria