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Displaying 81 - 225 of 210038 results.


    • Journal article
    Compte Rendu Emile Poulat Désir de voir Dieu
    Gay, Jean-Pascal[UCL] (2018) Revue de l'Histoire des Religions : histoire comparée des religions, histoire religieuse — Vol. 2018, no.3, p. 583-588 (2018)
    • Journal article
    Les dermatoses professionnelles dans le BTP
    Tennstedt, Dominique[UCL] Frimat, Paul (2018) Réalités thérapeutiques en dermato-vénérologie — Vol. 1, no.268, p. 9-15 (2018)
    • Journal article
    Noise induced jumping dynamics between synchronized modes
    Algar, Shannon D. Stemler, Thomas De Saedeleer, Bernard[UCL] (2015) International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos — Vol. 25, no.12, p. 1530034 (2015)
    • BookChapter
    L'économie cistercienne à travers les sources narratives des abbayes d'Aulne et de Villers-en-Brabant (XIIe-XIVe siècles)
    Delaissé, Eric[UCL] (2017) Les cisterciens et l'économie des Pays-Bas et de la principauté de Liège (XIIe-XVe siècles) — [ISBN : 978-2-39037-000-0]
    • Journal article
    Rational reductions of the 2D-Toda hierarchy and mirror symmetry
    Brini, Andrea Carlet, Guido Romano, Stefano[UCL] Rossi, Paolo (2017) Journal of the European Mathematical Society — Vol. 19, no.3, p. 835-880 (2017)
    • Journal article
    High order implicit-explicit general linear methods with optimized stability regions
    Zhang, Hong Sandu, Adrian Blaise, Sébastien[UCL] (2016) SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing — Vol. 38, no.3, p. A1430-A1453 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Constructing strong linearizations of matrix polynomials expressed in chebyshev bases
    Lawrence, Piers W.[UCL] Pérez, Javier (2017) SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications — Vol. 38, no.3, p. 683-709 (2017)
    • Journal article
    Groups acting on trees with almost prescribed local action
    Le Boudec, Adrien[UCL] (2016) Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici — Vol. 91, no.2, p. 253-293 (2016)
    • Journal article
    On full groups of non-ergodic probability-measure-preserving equivalence relations
    Lemaître, François[UCL] (2016) Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems — Vol. 36, no.7, p. 2218-2245 (2015)
    • Journal article
    A Brezis-Nirenberg type result for a nonlocal fractional operator
    Mawhin, Jean[UCL] Molica Bisci, Giovanni (2017) Journal of the London Mathematical Society — Vol. 95, no.1, p. 73-93 (2016)
    • Journal article
    A vector p-Laplacian type approach to multiple periodic solutions for the p-relativistic operator
    Jebelean, Petru Mawhin, Jean[UCL] Şerban, Călin (2017) Communications in Contemporary Mathematics — Vol. 19, no.03, p. 1650029 (2017)
    • Journal article
    Vibration–rotation spectroscopic database on acetylene, X ˜ 1 Σ g + (12C2H2)
    Amyay, B. Fayt, André[UCL] Herman, M. Vander Auwera, J. (2016) Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data — Vol. 45, no.2, p. 023103 (2016)
    • Journal article
    The gauge action, DG Lie algebras and identities for Bernoulli numbers
    Buijs, U. Carrasquel Vera, Jose Gabriel[UCL] Murillo, A. (2017) Forum Mathematicum — Vol. 29, no.2, p. 277-286 (2017)
    • Journal article
    Convex sets and second order systems with nonlocal boundary conditions at resonance
    Mawhin, Jean[UCL] Szymańska-Dȩbowska, Katarzyna (2017) Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society — Vol. 145, no.5, p. 2023-2032 (2017)
    • Journal article
    On deformations of C-algebras by actions of Kählerian Lie groups
    Bieliavsky, Pierre[UCL] Gayral, Victor Neshveyev, Sergey Tuset, Lars (2016) International Journal of Mathematics — Vol. 27, no.3, p. 1650023 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Commensurated subgroups in finitely generated branch groups
    Wesolek, Phillip[UCL] (2017) Journal of Group Theory — Vol. 20, no.2, p. 385-392 (2017)
    • Journal article
    Rational model of the configuration space of two points in a simply connected closed manifold
    Cordova Bulens, Hector[UCL] (2015) Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society — Vol. 143, no.12, p. 5437-5453 (2015)
    • BookChapter
    Lutte sociale, gouvernance et épanouissement: Le cas des collectifs en agriculture bio
    Van Dam, Denise De Bouver, Emeline[UCL] (2017) Lutte sociale, gouvernance et épanouissement: Le cas des collectifs en agriculture bio — [ISBN : 1027501478]
