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Displaying 1 - 25 of 2969 results.


    • Journal article
    Science, modèle, récit, littérature
    Franck, Robert[UCL] (2006) Lettre à Jean Claude Gardin —
    • Journal article
    [Secondary elaboration of the dream, a key concept for the transcultural encounter].
    Pierre, Danièle[UCL] (2006) Sante mentale au Quebec — Vol. 31, no.2, p. 109-22 (2006)
    • Journal article
    Liver transplantation.
    Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] Meyers, Rebecka L (2006) Journal of pediatric surgery — Vol. 41, no.3, p. 607-608 (2006)
    • Journal article
    L'éducation santé en officine
    Deccache, Alain[UCL] (2006) Guide des prestataires et des fournisseurs de l'officine — Vol. 20, p. 20-22 (2006)
    • Journal article
    La nouvelle QDR: révolution ou évolution?
    Struye de Swielande, Tanguy[UCL] (2006) Cahiers du RMES — Vol. 1, p. 8 (2006)
    • Journal article
    Evolutions in asymmetric operations
    Struye de Swielande, Tanguy[UCL] (2006) Technologie & Armement — Vol. 1, p. 4 (2006)
    • Journal article
    Les Etats-Unis et la sécurité maritime
    Struye de Swielande, Tanguy[UCL] (2006) Cahiers du RMES — Vol. 1, p. 10 (2006)
    • Journal article
    «Temps et lieux» : Stefaan van den Bremt s’écrit, se traduit, se choisit…
    Marcipont, Christian[USL-B] (2006) Septentrion : Arts, lettres et culture de Flandre et des Pays-Bas — Vol. XXXV, p. 75(77
    • Journal article
    A 62-month retrospective epidemiological survey of anaerobic bacteraemia in a university hospital.
    Blairon, L Delaere, Bénédicte[UCL] De Gheldre, Yves Sonet, Anne Bosly, André[UCL] Glupczynski, Gerald[UCL] (2006) Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases — Vol. 12, no. 6, p. 527-32 (2006)
    • Journal article
    Long-lasting potentiation of a single-dose of rocuronium by amikacin: case report.
    Gilliard, V Delvaux, Bernard[UCL] Russell, K Dubois, Philippe E[UCL] (2006) Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica — Vol. 57, no. 2, p. 157-9 (2006)
    • Journal article
    Epistemology of evidence based medicine.
    Michel, Luc[UCL] (2006) Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica (Multilingual Edition) — Vol. 69, no. 2, p. 238-246 (2006)
    • Journal article
    EANM procedure guidelines for brain tumour imaging using labelled amino acid analogues.
    Vander Borght, Thierry[UCL] Asenbaum, S. Bartenstein, P. Halldin, C. Kapucu, O. Van Laere, Koen Varrone, A. Tatsch, K. (2006) European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging — Vol. 33, no. 11, p. 1374-80 (2006)
    • Journal article
    Quadricuspid aortic valve: a rare etiology of aortic regurgitation.
    Godefroid, O Colles, P Vercauteren, S Louagie, Yves[UCL] Marchandise, Baudouin[UCL] (2006) European journal of echocardiography : the journal of the Working Group on Echocardiography of the European Society of Cardiology — Vol. 7, no. 2, p. 168-70 (2006)
