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Displaying 22 results.
    • Speech
    The challenge of religious diversity: the case of State support for religious organisations in Belgium
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2013) Responding to Complex Diversity in Europe and Canada — University College Dublin (Ireland)
    • BookChapter
    L'article 9 de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2017) Commentaire de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme —
    • BookChapter
    Funding Religious Heritage in Belgium
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2015) Funding Religious Heritage —
    • Speech
    Regulating Media in Belgian Law
    Christians, Louis-Léon[UCL] Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2012) International Seminar Religion in the media : religious Broadcasting and the Role of the State — Amsterdam (Netherlands)
    • Speech
    Inscrire le principe de laïcité dans la Constitution belge? Quelques pistes pour une réflexion juridique
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2016) Séminaire « Actualités » du GT Théorie politique de l'Association belge francophone de science politique — Université libre de Bruxelles
    • Speech
    The “added value” of the European Convention on Human Rights in the ambit of religious freedom and religious autonomy in Belgian constitutional case-law
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2015) International Conference - The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration: Towards a Users’ Perspective — Ghent University (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Public funding of religions as a way to ensure religious freedom? Proposition for an analysis of legal theory
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2016) International Conference Law and Religion Scholars Network & Cardiff Festival for Law and Religion — Cardiff Law School, Cardiff (United Kingdom)
    • Speech
    The State Funding of ‘Non-Religions’ in Belgium
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2016) International Conference on Religion and Non-Religion in Contemporary Societies - Theoretical, Empirical and Methodological Challenges for Research in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond — Zadar (Croatia)
    • Speech
    Religious Diversification and Church and State Relations in Belgium
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2014) International Conference Religious diversification worldwide and in central and eastern Europe — Kaunas (Lithuania)
    • Speech
    Le financement des cultes en droit comparé
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2013) Comparative Law in Context — Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgique)
    • Speech
    Funding of religious heritage: the case of Belgium
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2012) Funding of Religious Heritage in Europe — Strasbourg (France)
    • Speech
    Les critères de reconnaissance des cultes: entre influences politiques et exigences juridiques
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2014) Policy within and through Law — Ghent University (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Religion and Media in European Union Law: a balance between protection and regulation
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2014) ISMRC International Conference: Media, Religion and Culture in a Networked World — University of Kent, Canterbury (United Kingdom)
    • BookChapter
    Verbo "Indemnités parlementaires"
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2015) Dictionnaire de la Sixième réforme de l'Etat — [ISBN : 2804475611]
    • Speech
    Funding of religions in Belgium: implementing a “tax assignmentsystem” to reach more equality and democracy?
    Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2015) International Conference Law and Religion — University of Cardiff (United Kingdom)
    • BookChapter
    Funding of religious and non confessional organizations : the case of Belgium
    Christians, Louis-Léon[UCL] Wattier, Stéphanie[UCL] (2015) Public Funding of Religions in Europe — [ISBN : 9781472428912]