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Displaying 1 - 25 of 206 results.


    • Speech
    The influence of weathering processes on Si, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Mo stable isotope fractionation in the Critical Zone: a case study from Icelandic soils
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2018) Conference “Metal Stable Isotope Geochemistry” & Final IsoNose Workshop — Sorèze, France
    • Speech
    Mineral Weathering in Thawing Permafrost: Causes and consequences
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2018) “Coupling Earth system function to climatic change” — Bordeaux
    • Speech
    Tracing controls on iron export from high latitude peat soils
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2018) POLAR 2018 — Davos, Switzerland
    • Speech
    Can we use Arctic rivers to detect permafrost thaw?
    Hirst, Catherine[UCL] Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2021) ELI DAY 2021 — LLN - ONLINE ZOOM
    • Speech
    Update synthesis: The fate of organic carbon upon thaw also depends on interactions with mineral elements
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2020) 10th Annual Meeting of the Permafrost Carbon Network — Virtual
    • Speech
    Permafrost degradation and mineral weathring implications for new sources of nutrients for vegetation
    Mauclet, Elisabeth[UCL] Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] Hirst, Catherine[UCL] Monhonval, Arthur[UCL] (2018) Midi de rencontre étudiants-chercheurs UCLouvain — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    Influence of permafrost degradation on foliar mineral element cycling upon changing subarctic tundra vegetation
    Mauclet, Elisabeth[UCL] Agnan, Yannick[UCL] Hirst, Catherine[UCL] Monhonval, Arthur[UCL] Justin Ledman Meghan Taylor Edward A. G. Schuur Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2021) 7th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2021 (15/09/21 au 17/09/2021) — Africa Museum (Tervuren, Belgium)
    • Speech
    Evolution of iron-organic carbon interactions during abrupt thaw in ice-rich permafrost: case study in Siberia
    Alexia Gilliot[UCL] Monhonval, Arthur[UCL] Louis, Justin[UCL] Benoît Pereira[UCL] Vandeuren, Aubry[UCL] Loeka Jongejans Jens Strauss Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2021) 7th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2021 (15/09/21 au 17/09/2021) — Africa Museum (Tervuren, Belgium)
