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Displaying 51 - 143 of 143 results.


    • Speech
    On the structure of the control subsystem for stochastic distributed parameter systems
    Aidarous, S.E. (1978) Proceedings of the IFIP Working Conference on Distributed Parameter Systems Modelling and Identification — Rome, Italy
    • Speech
    Commutation processes in polyphase commutatorless DC generators
    Labrique, Francis[UCL] (1978) Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    A method of characterization of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity using consecutive field data
    Tilman, E. De Backer, Louis[UCL] (1978) Modeling, Identification and Control in Environmental Systems — Ghent, Belgium
    • Speech
    Neutron-proton capture total cross section between 38 and 73 MeV
    Bosman, Michel[UCL] Bol, Anne[UCL] Gilot, J.F. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Macq, Pierre[UCL] (1978) Few Body Systems and Nuclear Forces 1 — Graz, Austria
    • Speech
    Neutron small-angle scattering of E. coli ribosomes. A contrast variation study
    Parfait, R. Crichton, Robert[UCL] Koch, M.H.J. Haas, J. Stuhrmann, H.B. (1978) Fourth International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering of X-rays and Neutrons — Gatlinburg, TN, USA
    • Speech
    A systems model for the analysis of industrial democracy reforms
    Baumgartner, T. (1978) Current Topics in Cybernetics and Systems (papers in summary form only received) — Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • Speech
    `Overtures' in muon capture
    Deutsch, J.P. (1978) Proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics — Erice, Italy
    • Speech
    [Calculation of ferroresonant zones for a single phase circuit]
    Janssens, N. (1978) Canadian Communications and Power Conference — Montreal, Que., Canada
    • Speech
    On the asymptotic behavior of sensors' allocation algorithm in stochastic distributed systems
    Aidarous, S.E. Gevers, Michel[UCL] Installe, M.J. (1978) Proceedings of the IFIP Working Conference on Distributed Parameter Systems Modelling and Identification — Rome, Italy
    • Speech
    Transfer function of rectified output AC generators
    Buyse, Hervé[UCL] (1978) Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    Joint use of space interpolation and optimization methods for steady-state aquifer modeling with scarce data
    Bastin, Georges[UCL] Gevers, Michel[UCL] (1978) Modeling, Identification and Control in Environmental Systems — Ghent, Belgium
    • Speech
    A fast clustering procedure based on ISODATA algorithm with application to remote sensing
    Do-Tu, H. Installe, Michel[UCL] (1978) Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition — Kyoto, Japan
    • Speech
    CPK and CT in striated muscles
    Maréchal, Georges[UCL] Plaghki, L.[UCL] Van Schoor, M.[UCL] (1978) 7th European Conf Muscle Motility — Varsaw
    • Speech
    Special effects on rectified output AC generators
    Garrido, M.S. (1978) Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    A low-cost hand-carried OCR system implemented with monolithic ICs
    Rahier, M. Jespers, P.G.A. (1978) Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition — Kyoto, Japan
    • Speech
    Phase-space analysis of continuous spectra
    Delbar, Thierry[UCL] Grégoire, Ghislain[UCL] Paic, G. (1978) Few Body Systems and Nuclear Forces 1 — Graz, Austria
    • Speech
    An approach to follow the variation of the base flow of small watersheds
    Bazier, G. Gevers, Michel[UCL] Persoons, Etienne[UCL] (1978) Modeling, Identification and Control in Environmental Systems — Ghent, Belgium
