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Displaying 1 - 25 of 159 results.


    • Journal article
    About the neutron yield from the p+C-13 interaction at 30MeV
    Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Kitwanga, SW. Vanhorenbeeck, J. (2006) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment — Vol. 556, no. 1, p. 397-398 (2006)
    • Journal article
    New direct study of the Ne-19(p,)Na-20 reaction cross-section
    Couder, M.[UCL] Angulo, C.[UCL] Casarejos, E.[UCL] Vanderbist, F.[UCL] Demaret, Paul[UCL] Leleux, Pierre[UCL] (2004) Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics — Vol. 69, p. 022801 (2004)
    • Speech
    Production, Acceleration and Use of Radioactive Ion-beams At Louvain-la-neuve
    Vanduppen, P. Decrock, P. Huyse, M. Delbar, Thierry[UCL] Galster, W. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Licot, I. Lienard, E. Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Loiselet, Marc[UCL] Michotte, C. Ryckewaert, Guido[UCL] Vervier, Jean[UCL] Duhamel, P. Vanhorenbeeck, J. (1992) 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONF ON ELECTROMAGNETIC ISOTOPE SEPARATORS AND TECHNIQUES RELATED TO THEIR APPLICATIONS ( EMIS-12 ) — SENDAI(Japan)
    • Journal article
    Measurement of cross-sections for the Be-9(n,3n)Be-7 and Fe-56(n,p)Mn-56 reactions producing background lines in gamma-ray astrophysics
    Duhamel, P. Galster, W. Graulich, JS. Jean, P. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Meulders, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Vanhorenbeeck, J. Vedrenne, G. von Ballmoos, P. (1998) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment — Vol. 404, no. 1, p. 143-148 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Neutron-detector efficiency measurements from 7 to 14 MeV
    Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Macq, Pierre[UCL] Meulders, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Pirart, C. (1974) Nuclear Instruments and Methods — Vol. 116, no. 1, p. 41-43 (1974)
    • Journal article
    A Low-cost Plastic Detector for Energetic Neutrons
    Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Bol, Anne[UCL] Gilot, JF. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Macq, Pierre[UCL] (1991) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment — Vol. 305, no. 1, p. 158-161 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Measurement of the Neutron-proton Total Cross-section in the 25-75-mev Range
    Bol, Anne[UCL] Devescovi, P. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Macq, Pierre[UCL] Meulders, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (1985) Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics) — Vol. 32, no. 2, p. 623-624 (1985)
    • Speech
    The SPI Spectrometer for the integral mission
    Vedrenne, G. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] (1998) Nordic Conference in Theoretical High Energy Astrophysics — COPENHAGEN(Denmark)
    • Journal article
    Production of a high purity 18F radioactive beam
    Cogneau, M. Decrock, P. Gaelens, M. Labar, Daniel[UCL] Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Loiselet, Marc[UCL] Ryckewaert, Guido[UCL] (1999) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment — Vol. 420, no. 3, p. 489-493 (1999)
    • Journal article
    Arms-race and Tanks - Inconsistency
    Leleux, Pierre[UCL] (1986) American Journal of Physics — Vol. 54, no. 1, p. 9-10 (1986)
    • Speech
    Nuclear astrophysics experiments: Reactions and elastic scattering
    Graulich, JS. Coszach, A Leleux, Pierre[UCL] (2002) International Symposium on Perspectives in Physics with Radioactive Isotope Beams 2000 (RIB00) — HAYAMA(Japan)
    • Journal article
    Measurements of Neutron-deuteron Elastic and Charge-exchange Scattering
    Chen, XH. Dupont, C. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Macq, Pierre[UCL] Ninane, Alain[UCL] (1985) Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics) — Vol. 32, no. 5, p. 1767-1769 (1985)
    • Journal article
    Neutron-proton capture at extreme angles at /b E//sub n/=61 MeV
    Ninane, Alain[UCL] Dupont, C. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Macq, Pierre[UCL] (1987) Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics) — Vol. 35, no. 2, p. 402-406 (1987)
    • Journal article
    Simultaneous Measurement of Neutron-flux and Neutron Detector Efficiency
    Dupont, C. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Sindano, WK. Wauters, Pierre[UCL] (1987) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment — Vol. 256, no. 2, p. 339-341 (1987)
    • Journal article
    On the Cosmic-ray Rejection Near a Radioactive Beam
    Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Licot, I. Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Nuyens, C. (1993) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment — Vol. 329, no. 3, p. 518-520 (1993)
    • Journal article
    Design of biased random walks on a graph with application to collaborative recommendation
    Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Courtain, Sylvain[UCL] Françoisse, Kévin Saerens, Marco[UCL] (2022) Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications — Vol. 590, no.1, p. 126752 (2022)
