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Displaying 1 - 25 of 5395 results.


    • BookChapter
    Efectos secundarios de la lectura en La lectora de Sergio Alvarez
    Degrande, François[UCL] (2014) Narcoficciones en América Latina —
    • BookChapter
    Competition over soil and subsoil: Land grabbing by local elites in Eastern DRC
    Claessens, Klara Mushagalusa Mudinga, Emery[UCL] Ansoms, An[UCL] (2014) Everyday Forms of Land Grabbing in the Great Lakes Region of Africa —
    • BookChapter
    Institutional Pressure as a trigger for organisational identity change : The case of accreditation failure within seven European Business Schools
    Vas, Alain[UCL] (2014) The Institutional Development of Business Schools — [ISBN : 9780198713364]
    • Speech
    In situ stress, strain and dielectric measurements to understand electrostriction in anodic oxides
    Van Overmeere, Quentin[UCL] Blaffart, Frédéric[UCL] La Mantia, Fabio Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Di Quarto, Francesco Proost, Joris[UCL] (2014) 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Corrosion, Passivity and Oxide Films — Lausanne (CH)
    • BookChapter
    Activation Policies for the Unemployed and the International Human Rights Case Law on the Prohibition of Forced labour
    Dermine, Elise[UCL] (2014) Activation Policies for the Unemployed, The Right and the Duty to Work —
    • Speech
    Visuo-proprioceptive conflicts and nociception
    Torta, Diana[UCL] (2014) International Association for the study of Pain-World congress — Buenos Aires
    • BookChapter
    Dujardin, Vincent[UCL] Coolsaet, Rik Roosens, Claude[UCL] (2014) Les Affaires étrangères au service de l’Etat belge des Affaires étrangères, de 1830 à nos jours — [ISBN : 978-2-80470-206-9]
    • BookChapter
    Dujardin, Vincent[UCL] Delcorps, Vincent[UCL] (2014) FDF, 50 ans d’engagement politique, — [ISBN : 9782873868895]
    • BookChapter
    FDF, 50 ans de combats politiques
    Dujardin, Vincent[UCL] (2014) FDF, 50 ans d'engagement politique — [ISBN : 9782873868895]
    • BookChapter
    Le service commun «Interprétation-conférences» (SCIC) face aux premiers élargissements
    Dujardin, Vincent[UCL] (2014) La Commission européenne 1973-1986. Histoire et mémoires d’une institution — [ISBN : 978-92-79-28965-1]
    • BookChapter
    Dujardin, Vincent[UCL] Coolsaet, Rik Roosens, Claude[UCL] (2014) Les Affaires étrangères au service de l’Etat belge, de 1830 à nos jours — [ISBN : 978-2-80470-206-9]
    • BookChapter
    Dujardin, Vincent[UCL] (2014) Buitenlandse Zaken in België. Geschiedenis van een ministerie, zijn diplomaten en consuls van 1830 tot vandaag — [ISBN : 9789401422413]
    • BookChapter
    Dujardin, Vincent[UCL] Coolsaet, Rik Roosens, Claude[UCL] (2014) Buitenlandse Zaken in België. Geschiedenis van een ministerie, zijn diplomaten en consuls van 1830 tot vandaag — [ISBN : 9789401422413]
    • Speech
    WHEN ARCHETYPES GENERATE UNCERTAINTY The case of the scattered metropolis
    Roland, Lee Christopher[UCL] (2014) 20th Century New Towns | Archetypes and Uncertainties — Porto, ESAP
    • Speech
    La citoyenneté comme objectif et comme moyen. La mobilisation électorale des coptes duMoqattam
    Du Roy, Gaétan[UCL] Steuer, Clément (2014) The Impact of Arab Uprisings on Citizenship in the Arab World — University of Balamand (Liban)
    • Speech
    Large eddy simulation of unsteady wind farm behavior using advanced actuator disk models
    Moens, Maud[UCL] Duponcheel, Matthieu[UCL] Winckelmans, Grégoire[UCL] Chatelain, Philippe[UCL] (2014) 67th Annual Meeting of the APS DIvision of Fluid Dynamics — San Francisco, California
